Category: Social Media Books

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Affordable Website for Self-Published Authors

Are you looking for an affordable way to promote your book and yourself online? WordPress is the easiest and most affordable solution on the planet. When I wrote my first book over 3-years ago I knew that I would need a website and social media presence. I had to considering my book is about promoting…
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Facebook Fan Page Workshop : Nampa, ID

21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop Looking for ways to get more “Like” on your Facebook Fan Page? Join Social Media Author Dennis J. Smith, GreenHostUSA and Fan Page Bling for the “21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop” in Nampa, ID…
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Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media For Less Than $3 Bucks

I have found a great place to store, share and sell PDF’s called I have converted my book “Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media“ to PDF and you can download a copy within minutes for less than $3 bucks. There’s over 75 pages of 4.5-star rated information on how you can promote…
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Nook, Kindle, iPad: New Chapter for Books

From CBS News Electronics stores are encountering a dramatically expanded selection of gadgets offering to replace books. John Blackstone reports on the popularity of eReaders and eBooks this holiday season.  See why Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook and other eBook Readers will be the hot item this holiday season. Download Promote Your Business Or…
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Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media Now Available On Amazon Kindle

  Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media is finally available for sell in Amazon Kindle format. The Kindle version is priced at just $2.99 and you can download it within minutes.  If you don’t have a Kindle that’s not a problem because it is available for PC, iPad, iPhone, Android and more by…
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Book Trailer–“Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media

Promote your Business or Cause using Social Media is a handbook for beginner’s interested in using social media to grow a small business or take any cause to the internet. Learn how to create a blog, start a blog radio show, upload videos to YouTube, Tweet on Twitter and build a fan page on Facebook…
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Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media – August Book Giveaway Winner Announcement

We have a winner!  Congratulations goes out to Ashley Blankenship of Richmond, VA.  Ashley wins a copy of my book “Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media“.  If you’d like to win your own copy all you have to do is sign-up for the Social Media News Club Newsletter.  Make sure you confirm your…
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