This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Matt Bernstein, and Ali Mirza. Please click to view the courses of the Udemy Instructors featured in this Blab. Sponsored By:
100+ WordPress Fan Pages on Facebook
People forget that social networking isn’t just about posting a status update and making comments. You can learn a lot from social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and others by following fan pages or an expert in your field of interest. The same holds true when it comes to WordPress which is used by millions of website worldwide. I have created an interest list on Facebook that links to over 100+ fan pages related specifically to WordPress. Below is that link along with some of the more popular WordPress related fan pages. Make sure you “Like” the page, check “Get Notifications” and contribute to the discussion by leaving comments or feedback. 100+ Ultimate WordPress Fan Page List I Learn WP (WordPress) WPBeginner – WordPress for Beginners WordPress for Non-Geeks – Blog Aid ThemeForest Woocommerce BobWP Jetpack for WordPress Yoast Gravity Forms Nile Flores – Ask Kim – WordPress and Online Marketing Expert WP Engine [divider_top] Want my book for free? Just click! [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]
How-To Get Friends to "Like" your Facebook Fan Page
You have a Facebook Fan Page and now you want to get people to like your new page. Well your friends will probably be some of the first to like your page. So how do you get them to your page to click that “Like” button? There are a few different ways to do that and I show you how in this video. Remember you can always add your page to your business cards and offline marketing material. Do you have a social media question you’d like answered? Contact me today! [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]
Get More Likes, Shares and Comments on your Facebook Fan Page – FREE Webinar
Get Huge Engagement On Facebook – Free Webinar October 6th Are you struggling with getting your fans to like, comment and share your fan page post? Reserve your space for my upcoming free webinar on Sunday October 6th at 6PM Pacific Time and I’ll teach you tips on how to get more likes, more comments and more shares. That means more clients and business for you by engaging your face to talk about your business, share your business with others and leave positive comments about your business. It’s hard to get others to like, share or comment on your post but there are tricks that help you get your fans excited about your content. Are you just posting are you doing things like asking questions to get people commenting and sharing their thoughts? Are you adding photos and videos which are proven to get people sharing them with their friends? Did you know that short post are more liking to get engagement than a long drawn out post? Join me and I’ll show you how to get it right and on your way to success on Facebook! Here’s some of what you’ll learn… Learn how to get more likes on your post Learn how to get more likes on your fan page Learn techniques to get more comments How to get others to share your content Posting Tips There is limited space so that I can answer questions at the end of the webinar so grab your space today and I’ll see you on the webinar. Dennis J. Smith Author Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media – A Beginner’s Handbook Register… [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]
The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, May 9th, 2013 1:00 pm
The Social Media Talk Show – Social Media Tips for Business There was a technical glitch this week which ended the show a little early. I’ve posted the tips and links from today’s show below. This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information: Social Media Tips for Small Business No Cover Photos – Make sure that your Facebook Fan Page has a cover photo and that your logo shows in the cover photo or the small image to the left. The cover photo is 315 pixels in height by 851 pixels wide and the small image is 180 x 180 pixels but gets reduced to 160 x 160 pixels when uploaded to Facebook. Keep this in mind so your logo doesn’t get cropped or look wonky. You can use tools like and to add text and more to your cover photo. Special URL for Facebook Fan Page – When you create your fan page Facebook assigns it a long URL with a series of numbers at the end. This is too long to put on traditional marketing material or for others to remember. Instead you should get a special URL (username) to make it easier for others to find your fan page. Some of mine for example are or which goes on my marketing material. My friend Kathy of Kathy’s Kakes Idaho currently has the URL of for her fan page. You can see how that would be hard for someone to remember. You can change your URL under “Basic Information” in the Admin Menu of your fan page or by going to and selecting your fan page and then assigning it a special username. Automate Your Facebook Post for Twitter – By going to you can link your Facebook Fan Page to your Twitter account. Anything you post on your fan page gets shorten along with a special URL and gets sent as a Tweet on Twitter. When a Twitter user clicks on this link they are taken back to your Facebook Fan Page. Therefore you have the chance of gaining a new “Like” and you save time by posting in one place. There are plugins for WordPress that will automatically send your blog post to your Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook accounts. Keep it Short and Sweet – Keep your post short and sweet and you’ll see more engagement on your fan page. That means more likes, comments and sharing of your post. Photos and Video get the most engagement so consider adding one of those with your post. Consider a custom fan page – Add more functionality to your fan page with custom fan page apps that allow you to add your Pinterest pinboards, Twitter feed, e-commerce, forms and more. Social Media Tips for Business Free Webinars Links from Today’s Show: book. – Download free Pinterest Chapter WordPress Hangouts with Dennis Social Media Hangouts with Dennis Tools To Create Beautiful Custom Facebook Fan Pages – Webinar Listen to internet radio with The Social Media Talk Show on BlogTalkRadio
Guide to Facebook Content Marketing – [INFOGRAPHIC]
Here are some great tips on ways to post to Facebook that will get you more engagement from more “Likes” and comments. Photos and Videos product 180% more engagements than text alone. That’s huge! Try asking a question or do a fill in the blank. I saw one page giving away a prize by asking followers to guess a number between 1 and 200. Keeping it short (3 lines max.) and simple generates 60 percent more likes, comments and shares. What are you doing to increase your page engagement? Source: See Infographic [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]
Small business gets a social media makeover– CNN Report Video
Is your business social media ready? Are you savvy when it comes to Facebook, Twitter or even Pinterest? If you’re not it is possible your business might not be relevant in 2013. Social media is becoming a must for small businesses trying to reach new customers. A wig manufacturer and retailer gets a social media makeover from Gary Vaynerchuk. Christine Romans reports. Source: CNN Want to get your business social media ready? Contact Dennis at Influence Social Marketing for a free 30 min. consultation and get your business social media savvy today.
Facebook Fan Page Timeline Tutorial–[INFOGRAPHIC]
Did you know you only have a few weeks to get your pages Timeline ready? Facebook plans to change all business fan pages over to the new Timeline format by March 30th, 2012. Here’s a great infographic I found from Timothy Brand that will help you get the results you are looking for. Need help? Feel free to contact me for great looking fan pages. Source: See infographic above.
March 2012 Social Media Articles
Don’t miss out on some great articles on Social Media, Facebook, Pinterest, WordPress and more! See what you missed out on in February 2012: [posts-list month=”2″ year=”2012″]
Write “Sharp” statuses: 8 Status Ideas that will Improve your Facebook EdgeRank – [INFOGRAPHIC]
I have some news you probably won’t like. Being boring on Facebook won’t get you many likes. It’s true! In order to get the “Likes” and be seen by others you have to produce exciting content and status updates that create interaction amongst your friends or those who have “Liked” your fan page. Not sure how to do that? I found this handy infographic that will help you get it right. Feel free to comment and leave a tip on how you are getting more “likes”. Check out the article from PostPlanner for more information on how EdgeRank works. [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]