Category: WordPress

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

100+ WordPress Fan Pages on Facebook

People forget that social networking isn’t just about posting a status update and making comments. You can learn a lot from social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and others by following fan pages or an expert in your field of interest. The same holds true when it comes to WordPress which is used by…
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Get “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media – A Beginner’s Handbook FREE on PDF

FREE Best Selling Social Media Book on PDF I’m giving away copies of my hugely popular book “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media – A Beginner’s Handbook” FREE on PDF through the month of August. I have new projects coming up this summer and I want to get my book into the hands…
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21 Ways to Learn Marketing with WordPress in 21 Days

  Do you want to learn how to market your business better online? Is your website lacking what is needed to reach out to your customers? Are you staying in touch with your current clients? How are you bringing them back to your website? Is your website connected to your social media? I’ll show you…
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Affordable Blogging With WordPress – FREE Webinar

Is your business online? Are you keeping content on your website up-to-date? Blogging is an affordable way to let customers know about what your business offers. In this free webinar I’ll show you the basics of WordPress, how to install it, setting up a theme, your first post and how you can use it as…
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Build affordable and beautiful business websites using WordPress 101 – A Webinar Class

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 8:30am until 10:30am Mountain Time Class Fee: $26.95 Have you ever wanted to create your own small business website but didn’t have the time? Thought it would be difficult to maintain? Cost a fortune? With WordPress you can create your own business website and not break the bank.  Find out how…
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Social Media Connections

March 2012 Social Media Articles

Don’t miss out on some great articles on Social Media, Facebook, Pinterest, WordPress and more!   See what you missed out on in February 2012: [posts-list month=”2″ year=”2012″]

How The WordPress Theme Renders Pages – [INFOGRAPHIC]

I love it when I find great information I can share with my readers. Have you ever wondered how your WordPress blog works? The cheat sheet infographic below shows how all the elements come together to create great looking blogs and websites. Source: Yoast

Vintage WordPress Theme

WordPress Themes – The Ultimate List

The beauty of WordPress is the availability of hundreds if not thousands of themes to get that look and feel regardless of the industry you are in. You can find beautiful and functional themes that are both free (use caution when looking for free themes+) and for a nominal cost. Here are some links to many great WordPress themes in…
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