Category: Social Media Video

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Facebook Fan Page Feature – Get Notifications

Facebook is rolling out their latest features to help page owners get their message out in front of their fans. By checking “Get Notifications” your fans will get a notification each time you post a new update to your page. See more in this updated article: Read More

Small business gets a social media makeover– CNN Report Video

Is your business social media ready? Are you savvy when it comes to Facebook, Twitter or even Pinterest? If you’re not it is possible your business might not be relevant in 2013. Social media is becoming a must for small businesses trying to reach new customers. A wig manufacturer and retailer gets a social media…
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Editing Your Facebook Comments

Did you know that you can edit your Facebook comments? In the past you would have to delete a comment and start over or type another comment to correct your error. Now all you have to do is click the pencil icon to the right of your comment. Selected “Edit” or “Delete” and then make…
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Superman Saves Social Media - Video

Holy Social Media Batman! Social Media Saved The Day–[VIDEO]

Just Saved The Day! Batman and Superman review the finer points of social media while hanging out in their favorite cafĂ©.   Source: YouTube