Free Udemy Course Marketing WordPress Plugin For Udemy Instructors

Free Udemy Course Marketing WordPress Plugin For Udemy Instructors

Online Learning Courses WordPress Plugin

Free Udemy Course Marketing WordPress Plugin For Udemy Instructors

I’m always looking for new ways to promote my own online courses in places other than Facebook Groups or other social media networks. It’s something that I always stress with other online instructors because a Facebook Group might not always be your ideal target audience. I run a group on Facebook “The Online Course Promotion Group: Featuring Udemy, Skillshare and more!” with over 4,000 members but it is hard to tell how many are instructors and how many are there looking for deals on online courses. This plugin is a must have tool if you are an online instructor with a WordPress website.

You can download the free version of the plugin or upgrade to the Pro version which gives you more features including connection to your Udemy affiliate program account. Scroll down for more details.

Online Learning Courses

Online Learning Courses WordPress Plugin

The Online Learning Courses plugin for WordPress allows you to display your Udemy courses on your WordPress website in several different formats including the format displayed above. It can be used to display courses in a post, a page or used in a widget. I use it on my personal site and on to display the courses of other instructors with the Udemy affiliate program (Available with Pro version).

Online Learning Courses Plugin Widget View

Online Learning Courses Plugin Widget View

[convertkit form=4900669]

You can download the free version of the plugin or upgrade to the Pro version which gives you more features including connection to your Udemy affiliate program account.


  • This plugin allows you to display Udemy™ courses and lead your visitors directly to the course pages
  • Display single courses by ID
  • Search for courses by keyword (API keys required)
  • Select between the following layouts: Standard Boxes, Grids & Lists
  • Select between the following styles: Standard, Clean, Light & Dark
  • Two separate widgets for single courses and searches
  • Configuration page for more options
  • Try out the online demo
  • Regular updates and improvements: Go though the changelog

UFWP Course Widget

Quickstart Examples

  • Single courses:

    Course not found.

  • Keyword search:

More features with the PRO version

The PRO version extends this plugins exclusively with our affiliate link feature and many more:

  • Affiliate Links
  • Masked Links
  • Click Tracking
  • Custom Templates

Details and upgrade can be found here.


  • This plugin is not official made or maintained by Udemy™. All data provided through the official Udemy™ API.

Live Demo –

Live Dem0 –


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