Tag: Facebook Security

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Social Media Today - On The Air

Social Media Talk with Host Dennis J. Smith – Guest April Smith with Admin Superwomen on Thursday, December 20th, 2012 01:00 pm

Social Media Talk – Guest April Smith with Admin Superwomen   This weeks show is an hour long although I went through a few technical glitches. I cover the latest 3.5 update for WordPress for those who are using WordPress. Catch my interview with April Smith of Admin Superwomen and see what she thinks is going to…
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Social Media Today - On The Air

Social Media Talk with Host Dennis J. Smith – Guest Jamie Dolan with Paw Dawgs Online Community on Thursday, December 13th, 2012 01:00 pm

Social Media Talk – Guest Jamie Dolan with Paw Dawgs Online Community   This weeks show was almost an hour long although I forgot to take my mic off mute during a segment after the commercial break. I’ll cover a few WordPress plugins for those who are using WordPress or might be new to the popular platform.…
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Facebook privacy notice chain letter is a hoax

Sorry folks, but posting a supposed legal disclaimer to your Facebook profile does not alter the Terms of Service (ToS) or privacy policies governing how your content is viewed on Facebook. Many (dozens!) of Facebook users have submitted tips to Naked Security over the last week alerting us to a new chain letter/hoax circulating among well-meaning Facebook…
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