Tag: Pinning

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Best Pinning Times and Tips for Pinterest – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Looking to gain some traction with your Pins on Pinterest? Pinerly is a new company that tracks Pinterest stats. Below is some great information on what times are best to pin  and what items get more engagement. When do you usually Pin to your Pinboards? [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]

How to Get More Pins and RePins on Pinterest

Pinterest Tips : Get More Pins and RePins – [INFOGRAPHIC]

  Here is some great information below on what you could be doing to get your Pinterest Pins Repinned. Taller images tend to catch more attention and descriptions around 200 characters work well. Have in tricks you use to get repinned on Pinterest? The Power of Pinning video series is a great way to get…
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Power of Pinning on Pinterest – Training Course

Everyone is talking about Pinterest… Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Pinterest: Pinterest grew to 10 million users faster than any other independent website in history. According to Mashable.com, most users are spending more time on Pinterest than Facebook. Nearly 12 million monthly unique visitors. Daily users have increased by more than 145% since the…
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