Tag: Pinterest for Business

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, May 2nd, 2013 1:00 pm

The Social Media Talk Show – Marketing with Pinterest for Business This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information: Pinterest for Business WPLift.com Free Webinars   Links from Today’s Show: https://dennisjsmith.com book.https://dennisjsmith.com – Download free Pinterest Chapter wplift.com WordPress Hangouts with Dennis Social Media Hangouts with Dennis Tools…
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New Tools for Businesses in the Pinterest Community

New Tools for Businesses in the Pinterest Community Thousands of businesses have become part of our community, giving great ideas, content and inspiration to people on Pinterest. Whether it’s Anthropologie sharing awesome clothes, Whole Foods sharing tasty recipes, the Smithsonian sharing fascinating collections, or Amazon making products easy to pin, many of us have been…
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