Tag: Video

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

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Facebook Tip – Turn off Notifications

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the notifications you receive after you comment on a Facebook post? There are a few ways you can turn off notification and you can also change the settings for the type of notification you want to receive. Watch the video below to see how easy it is to make the changes.

Small business gets a social media makeover– CNN Report Video

Is your business social media ready? Are you savvy when it comes to Facebook, Twitter or even Pinterest? If you’re not it is possible your business might not be relevant in 2013. Social media is becoming a must for small businesses trying to reach new customers. A wig manufacturer and retailer gets a social media makeover from Gary Vaynerchuk. Christine Romans reports. Source: CNN Want to get your business social media ready? Contact Dennis at Influence Social Marketing for a free 30 min. consultation and get your business social media savvy today.

Superman Saves Social Media - Video

Holy Social Media Batman! Social Media Saved The Day–[VIDEO]

Just Saved The Day! Batman and Superman review the finer points of social media while hanging out in their favorite café.   Source: YouTube

Introduction To Pinterest– [VIDEO]

  Wondering what all the fuss is with Pinterest? I put together a pretty basic video on the different areas of the popular social media site. You need an invite to get started but this will show you what to expect. Please feel free to comment or ask questions in the comments section below.  

Facebook Video Tutorial – Fan Page Tab Removal

Here’s a short Facebook video tutorial on how you can remove a tab from your Facebook Fan Page.  If you remove it on accident it is easy to add the application back to your page.  Anyone who is an admin of a fan page can edit the page going to “Edit Page” in the menu.  The fan page menu has been moved to the left side of the page.  Pick and click “Apps” from the menu and look for Notes under the list of Added Apps.  Click the “X” to the right of the application you want to remove and verify you want it removed.  Refresh your fan page and the tab of the app you removed should be gone.  Check out the video for more information and how you can re-add an app if you removed it on accident. Posted by Dennis J. Smith ““ Social Media Author Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media

New Look and Features Coming To Twitter This Fall

If you use Twitter to promote your business get ready for a a change this fall.  Many people like Twitter because its minimalist design and easy of use.  But as the site grows Twitter is looking for was to maintain its lead as a social media powerhouse.  Do you visit the website or just post your Tweets?  Here’s a video Twitter release to YouTube showing some of the upcoming changes: What do you think about the planned changes?  Helpful? Here’s more information on the upcoming changes provided by the folks at Twitter. New design You will now find @mentions, retweets, searches, and lists just above your timeline ““ creating a single, streamlined view on the left of the screen. On the right, you can see the features you’re familiar with, including whom you recently followed and who recently followed you, favorites, and Trending Topics.   View photos, videos, and other media content Now, it’s easy to see embedded photos and videos directly on Twitter, thanks to partnerships with DailyBooth, DeviantART, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, TwitVid, USTREAM, Vimeo, yfrog, and YouTube. Discover related content When you click a Tweet, the details pane shows additional information related to the author or subject. Depending on the Tweet’s content, you may see: @replies, other Tweets by that same user, a map of where a geotagged Tweet was sent from, and more. Mini profiles You can click a @username to see a mini profile without navigating from the page, which provides quick access to account information, including bio and recent Tweets.       Follow @Twitter Rollout timing These changes will roll out as a preview over the next several weeks. During the preview, you’ll be able to switch back and forth so you have time to grow accustomed to the way things work. Eventually, everyone will have the updated version of Twitter.com. So what do you think?  Think Twitter has something good coming down the pipeline or do you think that things should be left alone?  Feel free to contribute and leave a comment below. Posted Dennis J. Smith with content by Twitter