Tag: Video Tutorial

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Social Media for Self Published Authors

Are you using social media networking to sell and promote your self-published book? How are you promoting your self-published book? Here’s a You-Tube video of a webinar I did to show self-published authors how to use social media. It covers all the different platforms like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, WordPress and more. Keep in mind that…
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Customizing Your New Facebook Timeline Business Page

Are you curious about how to make a great looking Facebook Business Page? How you add a cover photo? This video from Facebook will show the the basics on getting your Fan Page ready for prime time. Need some help? Contact me and I’ll help you create the perfect Facebook Business Fan Page. More about…
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Where did Facebook Notes go?

Many have probably wondered where certain features of Facebook have gone after the recent Timeline conversion. Most are still there but take just a little more difficult to locate. One of those features is Facebook Notes and something I’ve used before myself. It is not really needed anymore because you can post 63,206 characters of less on…
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Facebook Video Tutorial – Fan Page Tab Removal

Here’s a short Facebook video tutorial on how you can remove a tab from your Facebook Fan Page.  If you remove it on accident it is easy to add the application back to your page.  Anyone who is an admin of a fan page can edit the page going to “Edit Page” in the menu. …
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