Tag: Webinars

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

How-To Host a Webinar With WordPress, MailChimp, LeadPages and Google+ Hangouts

How-To Host a Webinar With WordPress, MailChimp, LeadPages and Google+ Hangouts Have you ever wanted to host your own webinar? Webinars are great for promoting your business, a  products, a book, teaching a course and more. With today’s technology it is totally possible to host your own affordable online webinar. With WordPress, MailChimp, LeadPages and…
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How Do You Like To Learn?

I wrote my first book “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social – A Beginner’s Handbook” over 3 years ago and released the 2013 edition earlier this year. In that time I have sold over 800 copies on Kindle and Paperback and over 9,000 have downloaded the Kindle version during various freebie promotions. The royalties…
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Who’s Talking About Social Media Specialist Dennis J. Smith?

Being a Real Estate Broker for 25 years, I figured I should get on board with the rest of the world when it came to Social Media Networking. That’s where my younger clients are seeking information. I want them to find me when looking for an agent. Dennis J. Smith had been recommended to me…
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The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, May 2nd, 2013 1:00 pm

The Social Media Talk Show – Marketing with Pinterest for Business This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information: Pinterest for Business WPLift.com Free Webinars   Links from Today’s Show: https://dennisjsmith.com book.https://dennisjsmith.com – Download free Pinterest Chapter wplift.com WordPress Hangouts with Dennis Social Media Hangouts with Dennis Tools…
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The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, April 18th, 2013 11:00 am

The Social Media Talk Show – Keeping WordPress Secure This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information: WordPress Security – Brute Force Attacks Secure Usernames and Passwords Limit Login Attempts Manual WordPress Installation Making WordPress More Secure Social Media and WordPress Hangouts with Dennis Free Webinars   Links…
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The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Fri, April 12th, 2013 11:00 am

The Social Media Talk Show – Doing Facebook Contest Right This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information: Doing Facebook Contest Right Contest Tools – Shortstack, Woobox and Pagemodo Social Media and WordPress Hangouts with Dennis Free Webinars   Links from Today’s Show: https://dennisjsmith.com http://plus.google.com http://www.shortstack.com – Aff Link…
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