Tag: WordPress Class

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Marketing With WordPress–21 Ways In 21 Days

“Marketing With WordPress – 21 Ways In 21 Days” is my first online course designed to let you learn at your pace starts on Friday June, 20th 2014. It is combination of video and text in an easy to understand format sent to your inbox each day. Start off with an Introduction to WordPress by learning what WordPress is and who can use it, how much it cost and finding a local WordPress Meetup group. Then we will move on and talk about getting affordable hosting for your new WordPress website along with how to install WordPress and get you familiar with cPanel. We won’t spend much time with getting to know the ins and outs of WordPress because the course if focused on “Marketing With WordPress”. But I will leave you to some great resources so you can get familiar with WordPress. Plus I will give you a list of other valuable resources at the end of this 21 day course. Week One Course Outline [custom_list style=”list-1″] Introduction To WordPress Hosting WordPress Installation and Setting Up WordPress Themes For Marketing Plugins For Marketing Widgets For Marketing Smart Blogging For Effective Marketing [/custom_list] [divider] [custom_button text=”Reserve Your Seat” title=”Reserve Your Seat” url=”https://dennisjsmith.com/marketing-wordpress-course-registration/” size=”large” bg_color=”#FF5C00″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”center” target=”_self”] [divider] Week 2 starts off with optimizing your WordPress website for Google, BING and Yahoo to get the best SEO results. Then we will talk about using MailChimp for effecting and affordable email marketing. I will show you how to get connected to social media, build forms to sell product and collect important information to grow your business. We will finish out Week 2 by talking about Optimize Press and LeadPages which are 2 tools to build beautiful landing pages. Week 2 Course Outline [custom_list style=”list-1″] Optimize WordPress SEO Connect With MailChimp Connect With Social Media Connect With Facebook Build Gravity Forms and Formidable Optimize Press 2.0 Build Outstanding Leadpages [/custom_list] [divider] [custom_button text=”Reserve Your Seat” title=”Reserve Your Seat” url=”https://dennisjsmith.com/marketing-wordpress-course-registration/” size=”large” bg_color=”#FF5C00″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”center” target=”_self”] [divider] The course wraps up with Week 3 and more on selling product with WordPress. I show you how Woo Commerce is a great ecommerce solution for those wanting to sell physical and digital product online. If you are a self-published author like I am I will show you how to sell more books with WordPress. The week will finish up with tips for small local businesses, hosting your own webinars with WordPress, mobile apps to use WordPress on the go and those WordPress Resources I promised you. Week 3 Course Outline [custom_list style=”list-1″] Selling Product With WordPress WooCommerce For WordPress WordPress for Authors WordPress for MLM Businesses WordPress for Local Small Businesses Host Webinars With WordPress Get Mobile With WordPress WordPress Resources [/custom_list] BONUS: WordPress States With JetPack [divider] [custom_button text=”Reserve Your Seat” title=”Reserve Your Seat” url=”https://dennisjsmith.com/marketing-wordpress-course-registration/” size=”large” bg_color=”#FF5C00″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”center” target=”_self”] [divider] The course ends with a Bonus Lesson to show you how to check your WordPress website stats with the JetPack Plugin so you can find out more about your visitors and what areas of your site are most popular. Ready to get started? Signup and register today to reserve your space and watch your inbox for details. [divider] [custom_button text=”Reserve Your Seat” title=”Reserve Your Seat” url=”https://dennisjsmith.com/marketing-wordpress-course-registration/” size=”large” bg_color=”#FF5C00″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”center” target=”_self”] [divider]

Build affordable and beautiful business websites using WordPress 101 – A Webinar Class

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 8:30am until 10:30am Mountain Time Class Fee: $26.95 Have you ever wanted to create your own small business website but didn’t have the time? Thought it would be difficult to maintain? Cost a fortune? With WordPress you can create your own business website and not break the bank.  Find out how easy it is to create your own website and maintain it yourself. No need to pay an expensive designer and you are in control! Here’s what you will learn… What is WordPress? How-to install WordPress The WordPress Dashboard Basic WordPress Settings Picking a WordPress Theme Installing Plugins and Widgets Updating WordPress WordPress Menu System Posting to WordPress Add/Modify/Delete Pages Adding Images and Video Product Launch Pages Display your website on Facebook SEO for better Google rankings and more! I’ll spend 2 hours showing you the benefits of WordPress and answers your questions so you can get started building a website and getting your business online. Join me from the comforts of own home or your office for a morning of learning. Register Today…

Learn WordPress 101 – Webinar Class

Have you ever wanted to create your website but didn’t have the time? Thought it would be difficult to maintain? Cost a fortune? With WordPress you can create your own website and not break the bank.  Find out how easy it is to create your own website and maintain it yourself. No need to pay an expensive designer and you are in control! This online class is an Introduction to WordPress for just $30. Here’s some of what you’ll learn… What is WordPress? How-to install WordPress The WordPress Dashboard Basic WordPress Settings Picking a WordPress Theme Installing Plugins and Widgets Updating WordPress WordPress Menu System Posting to WordPress Add/Modify/Delete Pages Adding Images and Video SEO and more! More information on this webinar class and to sign-up please visit: https://dennisjsmith.com/offers/2/learn-wordpress-101-webinar/ About the instructor: Dennis J. Smith has been using WordPress to build website for over 3 years now. He has been building websites and surfing the internet since the early 90’s. Dennis is a social media and WordPress consultant located near Boise, ID and the author of “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media – A Beginner’s Handbook”.