Month: October 2013

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

How Do You Like To Learn?

I wrote my first book “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social – A Beginner’s Handbook” over 3 years ago and released the 2013 edition earlier this year. In that time I have sold over 800 copies on Kindle and Paperback and over 9,000 have downloaded the Kindle version during various freebie promotions. The royalties…
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Did I Just Move To Seattle? – Part 3

I’m starting my 3rd month of living in Seattle again and enjoying living here. Yes, I actually like the rain but the weather has been rather nice lately. Though I do miss my friends, family and networking groups back in Idaho. The job search continues and it has taken me awhile to write this installment.…
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Affordable Blogging With WordPress – FREE Webinar

Is your business online? Are you keeping content on your website up-to-date? Blogging is an affordable way to let customers know about what your business offers. In this free webinar I’ll show you the basics of WordPress, how to install it, setting up a theme, your first post and how you can use it as…
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Who’s Talking About Social Media Specialist Dennis J. Smith?

Being a Real Estate Broker for 25 years, I figured I should get on board with the rest of the world when it came to Social Media Networking. That’s where my younger clients are seeking information. I want them to find me when looking for an agent. Dennis J. Smith had been recommended to me…
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