5 WordPress Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

5 WordPress Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

Top 5 List

There are several great websites out there to find helpful information when it comes to WordPress. But some like to digest their information in different formats. I’m one of those who likes to read, listen and watch when it comes to learning something new. That is why I enjoy listening to the Podcasts I have listed below. Load them on your favorite device and listen to them in the car, at the gym or while taking your favorite walk. I’ve listed a few below that I listen too but there are several out there on both Stitcher and iTunes. Do you have a favorite WordPress Podcast I forgot to list?


#1 The WordPress Chick Podcast

#2 WordPress Plugins A to Z

#3 WordPress Resource: Your Website Engineer with Dustin Hartzler


#4 Matt Report A WordPress business podcast for entrepreneurs, startups and freelancers

#5 WPwatercooler



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