Category: Video Tutorial

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Video Tips

How-To Get Friends to "Like" your Facebook Fan Page

You have a Facebook Fan Page and now you want to get people to like your new page. Well your friends will probably be some of the first to like your page. So how do you get them to your page to click that “Like” button? There are a few different ways to do that…
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Facebook Webinar

Facebook Tip – Turn off Notifications

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the notifications you receive after you comment on a Facebook post? There are a few ways you can turn off notification and you can also change the settings for the type of notification you want to receive. Watch the video below to see how easy it is to make the changes.

Facebook adds “Get Notifications” Feature to Facebook Fan Pages

New Get Notifications Feature I talked about Facebook’s New “Get Notifications” on my talk show “Social Media Talk with Dennis J. Smith” and did a short video on where to look for it on Facebook. This is a great asset for Facebook Fan Page owners because now your followers can get all your notifications for…
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Editing Your Facebook Comments

Did you know that you can edit your Facebook comments? In the past you would have to delete a comment and start over or type another comment to correct your error. Now all you have to do is click the pencil icon to the right of your comment. Selected “Edit” or “Delete” and then make…
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Customizing Your New Facebook Timeline Business Page

Are you curious about how to make a great looking Facebook Business Page? How you add a cover photo? This video from Facebook will show the the basics on getting your Fan Page ready for prime time. Need some help? Contact me and I’ll help you create the perfect Facebook Business Fan Page. More about…
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Where did Facebook Notes go?

Many have probably wondered where certain features of Facebook have gone after the recent Timeline conversion. Most are still there but take just a little more difficult to locate. One of those features is Facebook Notes and something I’ve used before myself. It is not really needed anymore because you can post 63,206 characters of less on…
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