Facebook adds “Get Notifications” Feature to Facebook Fan Pages

Facebook adds “Get Notifications” Feature to Facebook Fan Pages

New Get Notifications Feature

Facebook WebinarI talked about Facebook’s New “Get Notifications” on my talk show “Social Media Talk with Dennis J. Smith” and did a short video on where to look for it on Facebook. This is a great asset for Facebook Fan Page owners because now your followers can get all your notifications for your page. Each time you post an update to your page they get a notification. You will find this feature by clicking the pages “Like” button or “Liked” if you have already liked the page.

This is also a great feature for those of you who don’t want to miss updates from your favorite pages. Just keep in mind that the global notification will show you indication every time something is posted. What do you think about this new feature? Leave a comment below or leave a comment on YouTube if you found the video helpful.


Social Media Talk on Facebook – Facebook Fan Page


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3 Responses

  1. Willie says:

    Clicking “Get Notifications” on business or fan pages on Facebook doesn’t show updates from the pages you liked. I have over 1,000 liked pages and went through everyone to add to an interest list and made sure that get notifications was checked. I have only received 15-20 notifications each day, when actually more than 50% of the pages liked had updates that didn’t appear in the notifications area. I don’t understand why Facebook is making it hard to not receive updates from the pages we liked. You can even subscribe for updates though texts or sms because the limit is only 50. It’s impossible to receive real-time updates from everyone not just 10 pages or people each day you hardly interact with which defeats the purpose of Facebook’s social media platform.

  2. Interesting. I haven’t had a problem with it myself, but an Interest List might be the best way to go. Thanks for the comment.

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