Category: SEO

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

How to Get 5 Million People to Read Your Website by Matthew Inman

I wanted to share a YouTube video that I came across today. Not only is it funny but it has a point to it. Matthew shares some creative ways he used to drive traffic to his websites. This video is from the Ignite Seattle event. Do you use creative means to drive traffic to your…
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3 Social Media Tools To Grow Your Business

Here are 3 tools that are free and will help you grow your business through social media.  There are many other applications out there and they appear and disappear as social media changes and evolves.  I like these 3 listed below for their ease of use and little set-up time.  Please feel free to leave…
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Social Media Search Engine Taps Into Facebook

Here’s a search tool that you can use to see what people are talking about on social media sites.  WhosTalkin is a great way to find out what others are saying about your business or your field.  Just type in your search term and WhosTalkin will search all the social media site for matching conversations…
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Promote Your Business With Effective Web Design 101

Web Design 101 for Business Your Virtual Storefront I’ve been creating website for over 15 years now, back when Netscape was the top browser.  I’d like to share some of my tips regarding effective website creation and design. I come across poor website design all the time when surfing the net and there’s no shortage. …
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