3 Social Media Tools To Grow Your Business

3 Social Media Tools To Grow Your Business

Payvment Logo

Here are 3 tools that are free and will help you grow your business through social media.  There are many other applications out there and they appear and disappear as social media changes and evolves.  I like these 3 listed below for their ease of use and little set-up time.  Please feel free to leave a comments about the tools you use or if you use these.

RSS Graffiti for Facebook
Simplify your social media marketing with this free application available on Facebook.  RSS Graffiti will automatically publish your RSS feeds to any of your Facebook Fan Pages.  Setup is easy and and takes less than 10 minutes to establish.  You can schedule how often RSS Graffiti updates your wall, set publishing limits and can even publish to Twitter.  I use it to publish articles from my WordPress blog to my Facebook Fan Page.  Then Facebook automatically send out a Tweet to my Twitter followers that alerts them of a new post on my blogs.


Payvment E-Commerce Storefront
If you are looking to sell product online with little upfront cost Payvment is the answer.  Payvment is a free  shopping cart application for Facebook Fan Pages and uses PayPal to process payments.  Set-up is easy and most can have a storefront up and running in 1-hour or less.  Visit the Facebook Fan Page of Pioneer Soap Works to see what an actual storefront is like.


All In One SEO Pack WordPress Plugin

This is a must have tool for any business with a hosted WordPress blog.  All In One SEO is a free plugin that optimizes your blog for better search engine results.  This application gives you better control over the optimization of your post, pages and site home page.  Therefore your chances of moving up in search engine results increase.  Easy enough for beginners yet fully customizable for those with a little more SEO background.

Content by Dennis J. Smith ““ Social Media Author


One Response

  1. factoring says:

    Thanks Dennis, this is a very useful information for those involved in selling online products, wether own ones or others.

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