Category: Facebook

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Facebook privacy notice chain letter is a hoax

Sorry folks, but posting a supposed legal disclaimer to your Facebook profile does not alter the Terms of Service (ToS) or privacy policies governing how your content is viewed on Facebook. Many (dozens!) of Facebook users have submitted tips to Naked Security over the last week alerting us to a new chain letter/hoax circulating among well-meaning Facebook…
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Tools To Create Beautiful Custom Facebook Fan Pages

Tools To Create Beautiful Custom Facebook Fan Pages Get Rid Of Your Boring Fan Page Forever! Are you tired of having a boring fan page? Wondered how others have beautiful fan pages? Wanting to sell your products or services on Facebook? Wanting to create a form to capture information? Add video to teach, sell, inspire…
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Size Matters When It Comes To Facebook

Updating your pages to the new Timeline for Fan Pages? Wondering what image size to use? What is the size of the profile picture in Facebook? With the new Timeline for Pages some new sizes have been added and older ones modified. Here’s a list of those dimensions to help you out when making changes…
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Write “Sharp” statuses: 8 Status Ideas that will Improve your Facebook EdgeRank – [INFOGRAPHIC]

I have some news you probably won’t like. Being boring on Facebook won’t get you many likes. It’s true! In order to get the “Likes” and be seen by others you have to produce exciting content and status updates that create interaction amongst your friends or those who have “Liked” your fan page. Not sure…
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Google Calendar

Adding A Facebook Event To Your Google Calendar and iCal

Adding A Facebook Event To Your Google Calendar and iCal In my last post and Facebook Tip – Adding A Facebook Event To Outlook on YouTube, I showed you how to add a Facebook Event to your Outlook Calendar. It is a fairly easy process once you do it a few times. If you don’t…
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Adding A Facebook Event To Your Outlook Calendar

Adding A Facebook Event To Your Outlook Calendar Have you ever confirmed yourself for an event posted on Facebook but forgot to to attend or add it to your calendar? There is actually a real easy way to add any Facebook Event to your Outlook Calendar. In the video I explain how it is done…
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Facebook Improves Organization of Friends List

  Improved Friend Lists Source: From The Facebook Blog on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 10:59am This week, it will be easier than ever to see more from the people you care about and simpler to share with exactly the right people using Friend Lists. Want to see posts from your closest friends? Or perhaps…
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Promote Your Business with Facebook Deals–New!

Facebook is getting ready to launch a new feature that lets you offer your customers deals when they “check-in” using Places on Facebook.  Called “Deals” the latest feature is currently in Atlanta, Austin, Dallas, San Diego and San Francisco.  I did notice that there are a few deals in my local area which is Boise,…
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