Category: WordPress

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Jigoshop Is The Free WordPress E-Commerce Solution

Looking for a simple solution to sell product online? Look no further than Jigoshop!  You need to have WordPress installed for Jigoshop to work.  This free e-commerce plugin for WordPress takes less than 15 minutes to setup. You can download the plugin from the developers site or search for “Jigoshop” from your WordPress Dashboard Plugin…
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Find Your Perfect WordPress Dream Theme

The feature I like the most about WordPress is its ability to let you change the look and feel of your site.  It can be done on the fly without any web development background.  You can accomplish this by finding the perfect themes and plugins to suit your needs.  WordPress has thousands of self-installs which…
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WordPress WordCamp attended by over 300 in Seattle

I attended my first WordPress WordCamp in Seattle, WA yesterday(Saturday), after driving up from Boise on Thursday.  I learned a lot even though I slept a few hours the night before the event.  I went with a friend I meet on Facebook after attending a social media class with her sister last fall in Seattle. …
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