Category: Twitter

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Keep On Top Of Your Social Media Game With Nutshell Mail

Feel like you are struggling to keep up with your social media?  Don’t get buried in status updates, pokes, mail and Tweets.  There’s a whole lot of services out there that make it easy to manage social media.  The one I like the most is Nutshell Mail from the makers of Constant Contact.  Setting up…
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Track Social Media With POSTLING

Like many out there you might be finding it tough to manage your Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, blogs and various other social media networks.  I’ve had the same problem myself and have finally found a solution that I like.  Postling was created to simply the process of managing your social media networks.  I no longer…
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Twitter’s Official Analytics Product Has Arrived

Reposted from Mashable Twitter has started inviting a select group of users to test a new analytics product, Mashable has learned. Such a product has been rumored for some time, and a Twitter executive said earlier this year that Analytics would debut by the end of 2010. With Twitter Analytics, users will be able to…
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Book Trailer–“Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media

Promote your Business or Cause using Social Media is a handbook for beginner’s interested in using social media to grow a small business or take any cause to the internet. Learn how to create a blog, start a blog radio show, upload videos to YouTube, Tweet on Twitter and build a fan page on Facebook…
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New Look and Features Coming To Twitter This Fall

If you use Twitter to promote your business get ready for a a change this fall.  Many people like Twitter because its minimalist design and easy of use.  But as the site grows Twitter is looking for was to maintain its lead as a social media powerhouse.  Do you visit the website or just post…
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5 Must Have Social Media Plugins for WordPress Blogs

With the explosion of Social Media many bloggers are discovering the power of sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz and LinkedIn to name a few.  With WordPress plugins you or your readers can share your blog postings with others just with a click of the mouse.  Here are 5 plugins for Social Media that I…
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Find New Customers Using Twitter Search

Most people think of Twitter as a place others post what they ate for breakfast or tweeting ones every move.  Millions of people send tweets every day and tweet about everything from an experience with a company, complaints or even a request for information.  Twitter Search is a powerful tool you can use to connect…
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Drive traffic to your site via Twitter one tweet at a time

Twitter “Every day, millions of people use Twitter to create, discover and share ideas with others. Now, people are turning to Twitter as an effective way to reach out to businesses, too. From local stores to big brands, and from brick-and-mortar to internet-based or service sector, people are finding great value in the connections they…
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