Category: WordPress

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Affordable Website for Self-Published Authors

Are you looking for an affordable way to promote your book and yourself online? WordPress is the easiest and most affordable solution on the planet. When I wrote my first book over 3-years ago I knew that I would need a website and social media presence. I had to considering my book is about promoting…
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Who’s Talking About Dennis Again?

Latest Testimonial I wanted to share the latest testimonial from a client who I now consider a friend. Patti contacted me because she was frustrated with her website. We worked together and came up with a new look and feel for her site and set her up with some tips for better blogging. Follow her…
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100+ WordPress Fan Pages on Facebook

People forget that social networking isn’t just about posting a status update and making comments. You can learn a lot from social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and others by following fan pages or an expert in your field of interest. The same holds true when it comes to WordPress which is used by…
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How-To Host a Webinar With WordPress, MailChimp, LeadPages and Google+ Hangouts

How-To Host a Webinar With WordPress, MailChimp, LeadPages and Google+ Hangouts Have you ever wanted to host your own webinar? Webinars are great for promoting your business, a  products, a book, teaching a course and more. With today’s technology it is totally possible to host your own affordable online webinar. With WordPress, MailChimp, LeadPages and…
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Marketing With WordPress–21 Ways In 21 Days

“Marketing With WordPress – 21 Ways In 21 Days” is my first online course designed to let you learn at your pace starts on Friday June, 20th 2014. It is combination of video and text in an easy to understand format sent to your inbox each day. Start off with an Introduction to WordPress by…
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21 Ways to Learn Marketing with WordPress in 21 Days

  Do you want to learn how to market your business better online? Is your website lacking what is needed to reach out to your customers? Are you staying in touch with your current clients? How are you bringing them back to your website? Is your website connected to your social media? I’ll show you…
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5 WordPress Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

There are several great websites out there to find helpful information when it comes to WordPress. But some like to digest their information in different formats. I’m one of those who likes to read, listen and watch when it comes to learning something new. That is why I enjoy listening to the Podcasts I have…
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15 Ways to Get More Facebook Fan Page Engagement – Free Webinar

Here’s some of what you’ll learn… Learn how to get more likes on your post Learn how to get more likes on your fan page Learn techniques to get more comments How to get others to share your content Posting Tips Register to reserve your space today! [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]

The Social Media Talk Show | Recap Seattle WordPress WordCamp

The Social Media Talk Show – Recap Seattle WordPress WordCamp I’ve posted the links from today’s show below along with the replay. This weeks Social Media Talk show was a 30 minutes recap of the Seattle WordPress WordCamp. If you haven’t been to a WordCamp check out the websites below to see if there is…
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30 Popular WordPress Plugins – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Whether you are just getting started with WordPress or a seasoned professional it still can be a challenge finding the right plugin. There are over 25,000 plugins available for WordPress and not all of them are kept up-to-date. Here’s a list of 30 popular plugins for WordPress on this infographic I came across on Pinterest.…
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