Growing Sustainable Passive Income Teaching On #Udemy – LIVE TONIGHT!

Growing Sustainable Passive Income Teaching On #Udemy – LIVE TONIGHT!

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Scott Duffy, Suzanne Nguyen, SonjaDurik, Sergey Kasimov, and Matt Bernstein


89 Responses

  1. did he share that in his course?

  2. he updates his numbers in hsi Udemy course

  3. Sally says:

    Hi I think I arrived too late, I am not sure you are seeing my question.

  4. Sally says:

    mine are sports related

  5. Scott Paton says:

    Udemy wants lots of courses

  6. @goodcreativeedu Is it in his Udemy course?

  7. @SocialMediaDJS no update, that was August update.

  8. this audio is bad?

  9. bad audio for everyone

  10. Wait! One more question.

  11. Sally says:

    My name is Sally Sullivan and I would like some help with feedback on the courses I want to teach

  12. How do you send a personal greeting with the students name in a promotion or to a new student that just signed up?

  13. Scott Duffy says:

    message the student directly, copy and paste a hello

  14. Just select “Redeem A Coupon”:

  15. If you want any of my courses for just $2, use coupon code 2

  16. Use those directions!

  17. add me on facebook

  18. I instruct over 47,650 students how to make money online

  19. How do you send a personal greeting with the students name in a promotion or to a new student that just signed up?

  20. Scott Duffy says:

    @jesse_mcadam message the student directly, copy and paste a hello

  21. You mean by hand for each student that signs up for a course?

  22. Scott Duffy says:

    if you want a personalized welcome, yeah

  23. I have a form letter, and I just want to change the name to the student that signed up. Any way to do that?

  24. Scott Duffy says:

    keep the clothes on

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