Mark Timberlake: Why “You” need to get busy marketing your Udemy course!

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Mark Timberlake: Why “You” need to get busy marketing your Udemy course!

Make Money Online Show

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Mark Timberlake, and Matt Bernstein. Please click to view the courses of the Udemy Instructors featured in this Blab.

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112 Responses

  1. @philcampbell Create Buzz! haha

  2. Chad Neuman says:

    That’s what a YouTube representative told me on a phone call, to upload one new tutorial a week.

  3. Chad Neuman says:

    I am so busy I haven’t uploaded one in a few months though haha.

  4. @goodcreativeedu How’s that working for you?

  5. @goodcreativeedu Excuses! haha

  6. Chad Neuman says:

    @SocialMediaDJS I need to upload more often.

  7. Chad Neuman says:

    @PhilEbiner I read somewhere Facebook videos are shared more on FB than a linked YouTube video, not sure where I read that though.

  8. Phil Ebiner says:

    @goodcreativeedu i think that’s true because FB videos play automatically… whereas YT videos have to be clicked. and if you post a video straight to FB, it appears bigger in the stream automatically.

  9. Chad Neuman says:

    @PhilEbiner yeah I think it’s just the audio muted but it plays, good point.

  10. Phil Ebiner says:

    @goodcreativeedu ya

  11. Chad Neuman says:

    some of the research I have done shows that “vivid” posts are shared more, more interaction, like videos and photos of course.

  12. Phil Ebiner says:

    Posting directly to facebook…

  13. i started doing some tests with wirecast to facebook live, that worked pretty well. good move there, traffic wise, was nice.

  14. yes bots will be big for promotion.

  15. Is Mark cutting out for others?

  16. attention is the game

  17. Karma: Give value…

  18. Chris Allen says:

    I just created a course and in that course I mentioned another course on my website. Is that allowed???????

  19. Chad Neuman says:

    here’s one method: get on first page of YouTube results and it’s a sample lecture from a course=some sales.

  20. the group is here for people just joined —

  21. Chad Neuman says:

    Agreed, some “editor’s picks” have lower reviews.

  22. Chad Neuman says:

    if it’s a 50% off coupon, maybe the $35 one

  23. John Chang says:

    Udemy is going to promote what makes them money

  24. @ScottScowcroft Thank you for joining πŸ™‚

  25. sbeazer says:

    Very good content here, thanks!

  26. @sbeazer πŸ™‚

  27. Chad Neuman says:

    I’ve had more success sending promo announcements for a new course at $10 though compared to $25, fewer people buy at that price. I am going to try a $20 launch price but then increase to $30 and maybe $40, I can share results of this experiment with you all though.

  28. Terrific information guys. Thanks for another great Blab … five stars. πŸ™‚

  29. Chad Neuman says:

    if they replaced complaining on Studio with marketing they’d possibly be more successful

  30. @sbeazer Mark is a fountain of gold when it comes to this subject matter. Absolute jewel.

  31. Chad Neuman says:

    @loriannbutler Yes.

  32. @loriannbutler yes

  33. Lori Butler says:

    Thanks @mbernstein924 & @goodcreativeedu !

  34. @loriannbutler Absolutely.

  35. Lori Butler says:

    πŸ™‚ @SocialMediaDJS

  36. sbeazer says:

    Thanks again, I will finish later.

  37. Chad Neuman says:

    watch YouTube together

  38. Chad Neuman says:

    it’ll show video

  39. @DiegoDavilaTV Great question!

  40. Very nice, @mtimber71 and thank you.

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