Tag: Amazon.com

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Nook, Kindle, iPad: New Chapter for Books

From CBS News Electronics stores are encountering a dramatically expanded selection of gadgets offering to replace books. John Blackstone reports on the popularity of eReaders and eBooks this holiday season.  See why Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook and other eBook Readers will be the hot item this holiday season. Download Promote Your Business Or…
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Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media Now Available On Amazon Kindle

  Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media is finally available for sell in Amazon Kindle format. The Kindle version is priced at just $2.99 and you can download it within minutes.  If you don’t have a Kindle that’s not a problem because it is available for PC, iPad, iPhone, Android and more by…
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Latest Reviews of Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media

Latest Reviews of Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media By Social Media author Dennis J. Smith It’s been a few months since I first published my first book Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media.  I want to share with you some of the latest reviews and give you a chance to…
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Reviews – Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media

Here’s what others have been saying about Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media. 5 Stars – Indispensable, June 21, 2010 Amazon.com This book has been my most valuable tool in starting my own business. This book showed me step by step in an easy to understand format how to use different tools that…
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