#Udemy Roundtable with Dennis Smith, Matt Bernstein and Dave Espino

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Dave Espino, Phil Ebiner, Jeremy Deighan, GoodCreativeAcademy, and Matt Bernstein
Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Dave Espino, Phil Ebiner, Jeremy Deighan, GoodCreativeAcademy, and Matt Bernstein
92 Responses
he lives in a palace
@mbernstein924 got you!
@DaveEspino wow you are the bomb diggity!
Wendy is in South Carolina
Meanwhile, I live in that pipe…
The chalet is phillay
@DaveEspino lol
anyone here live near boston?
@thewendywells same
@mbernstein924 My brother was there for many years, his son is still there, we went to my nephew’s wedding there
@mbernstein924 was there few months ago downtown…
Cool!! You are such a great networker Dennis!
how to milk a llama, a course by Alun Hill: https://www.udemy.com/draft/343270/ maybe an april fools’ prank? haha.
@goodcreativeedu LOLz!!!
what is your post udemy strategy
Love Boston!
I wonder if I could do Meetups here in Philly?
@TheLambiepoo when you’re here lemme know!
@mbernstein924 absolutely!
Udemy Instructor Study Abroad trip haha
just move to india u can retire with your udemy courses
@thewendywells when you’re here lemme know
@etherealovers really?
@SocialMediaDJS How did you connect with other instructors that are near you? From the Facebook Group?
you sure can
nearly nothing
@etherealovers I do not like the caste system
USA is very expensive place
@etherealovers I would like to change it
its 3rd world country
Gym time first thing in the morning!
@mbernstein924 I love the Indian people, worked with alot when with verizon, some here in US and alot remotely
@etherealovers how many U.S. dollar would you need to live there
@TheLambiepoo I like them too 🙂
800 million people in poverty
@etherealovers do you need any courses for free?
Promote Your Course with Ebooks: http://bit.ly/1KUteFp
yeah sure what u got to offer
10 ways to market your business or Udemy course on Blab: http://daveespino.com/BlabCourseSpecial
@etherealovers https://www.udemy.com/u/mattbernstein/ pick a course
@PhilEbiner have you heard of an image tool called RelayThat?
@mbernstein924 I have been reasearching India, education & poverty/opportunity
@mbernstein924 I loved the movie Outsourced, it really show humanity
who can transcribe for free
@Ileane Working on adding that. It’s going to be a course with a lot of add ons!
@DaveEspino Thanks Dave!