1st Quarter 2015 Earnings Report

1st Quarter 2015 Earnings Report

Dennis J. Smith

100 Dollar BillThis is my first income earnings report that I’m publishing in hopes of inspiring others and pushing myself to earn more. I joined Udemy in July of 2014 and published my first course “WordPress Profits: Marketing With WordPress Plugin Tools” in the middle part of that month as I had already created the course on my own website. I went with Udemy because it was a platform that already had a lot of traffic and it was easy to take what I had created and upload it to their site. That first month I made a whopping $14.80 which I received on the 8th of September in my PayPal account. I forgot what I spent it on. Last month was the best month I’ve had so far on Udemy and was my best month out of the 3 months that just ended on March 31st, 2015. Here’s a breakdown of all my current business activities and what I earn for the quarter.

Udemy Courses J/F/M $1310
Udemy Affiliate Marketing $969
Skillfeed $90
Kindle Books $2
CreateSpace $6
Website Development $395
Website Hosting (GreenHostUSA.com) $605
Fiverr Gigs $220
The Course Factory $25
Consulting $830
OnlineCourseCoupons.com $375

Total Earnings for 1st Quarter 2015: $4,823
Average per month: $1608

Right now I currently have 5 courses on Udemy and plan to add one more this month which should help keep Udemy earnings growing. My most recent course “Udemy Course Marketing Starter: Where To Start Marketing!” which is free has almost 1,300 students and only been out for a few weeks. My book has been out several years and even though I have updated it the sales have declined and I mostly use it as a marketing tool to build my mailing list. You can get the full PDF copy here if you would like as most of the information is still fairly current. I plan to write more books this year and even tie a few of them to my Udemy courses.

The consulting business is something I want to focus on more including starting a Udemy Mastermind Group hopefully by next month. The other income source revolve around my affiliate marketing in which I promote the courses of other Udemy instructors on the website OnlineCourseCoupons.com. The gig on Fiverr is a mix of my courses and a gig to promote courses on the homepage of OnlineCourseCoupons.com. My goal is to bring that revenue up above $2,000 a month so I still have some work ahead of me. Hope you found some inspiration from this and I will update the numbers again in 3 months.



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