Month: August 2010

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Latest Reviews of Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media

Latest Reviews of Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media By Social Media author Dennis J. Smith It’s been a few months since I first published my first book Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media.  I want to share with you some of the latest reviews and give you a chance to…
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Promote Your Digital Product and Fatten Your Wallet With ClickBank

Looking for a way to promote your product or promote the product of others?  Want to make money while you’re at it?  With ClickBank you can promote your own products or promote the products of others and make money.  ClickBank is based in Boise, Idaho and started back in 1998.  There are thousands of digital…
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Aksel Paris Launches Facebook Store (Who’ll Be Next?)

Content By SF Indie Fashion Here’s something we predict you’ll see more and more of very quickly: local fashion brands with Facebook stores.  The first we’ve run across comes from Aksel Paris (don’t let the name fool you, the company’s actually based in SoMa). The menswear line recently launched the shop with six men’s shirts…
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Promote Your Business With Effective Web Design 101

Web Design 101 for Business Your Virtual Storefront I’ve been creating website for over 15 years now, back when Netscape was the top browser.  I’d like to share some of my tips regarding effective website creation and design. I come across poor website design all the time when surfing the net and there’s no shortage. …
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Payvment Expands Toolset For Power Facebook Sellers

Payvment, a leading e-commerce solution for Facebook Page administrators, has just introduced a number of new features including the ability for Etsy users to import their entire Etsy product catalog. Additionally, the company is releasing a suite of enterprise APIs for Facebook Stores. That means developers can now take advantage of the new IPN service,…
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Payvment Logo

Create a Payvment storefront on Facebook in under 15 minutes

Please note: Since this article was written Payvment was sold and the links below might no longer be valid. I have left the article up for reference. Are you the crafty type and thought about selling product on Facebook?  What if I told you all you need is a Facebook and PayPal account to get…
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Windows Live Writer makes blogging a breeze

Are you thinking about starting your own blog but scared off by technology?  It might not be as hard as you think when it comes to starting a blog.  If you know Microsoft Office you’re already halfway there.  If you don’t its still easy when you have tools that simplify the process.  Windows Live Writer…
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