3 Reason Why I Switched To ConvertKit From MailChimp

3 Reason Why I Switched To ConvertKit From MailChimp


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The only course on ConvertKit on Udemy is available now and co-taught with my friend and top Udemy instructor Phil Ebiner. I hope you will enroll in the course and learn about ConvertKit and the success both Phil and I have had in growing our mailing list. I recommended ConvertKit to Phil earlier this year and asked him to teach this course with me. We have over 2,700 students taking the course since it launched early March 2016 and the reviews have been very favorable. Scroll down to ready my earlier post on why I switched to ConvertKit last year. Plus my offer to help you get ConvertKit setup when you make the switch too.

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Read more on why I love ConvertKit…

I have been using the MailChimp Forever Free plan for at least a few years now and have build a following of over 3000 subscribers. That means that my plan is no longer free and I just recieved a bill from MailChimp for $50. That’s not actually bad considering I have paid for using their service up until now. But my focus has shift and I want something that helps me grow my revenue. But it was time to explore different options because my business is growing.

ConvertKit Subscribers Feb 12 2016

Right Now I Am On Pace To Add Almost 2,000 New Subscribers In 2016!

Updated: My Subscriber numbers jumped after launching my new book “Udemy Life” in April 2016

Udemy Life Book Launch ConvertKit

I had been recommending MailChimp to those who follow me on social media because it was free until my list passed 2,000 subscribers in 2015 and is now nearing 3,000 if you combine subscribers from all my list. Because I run several websites each one has a different list and lead magnet to entice signups. I made the switch and took part of my mailing list to ConvertKit in late November and have been seeing much better engagement results. Now I’m moving my Udemy Instructor mailing list off MailChimp and onto ConvertKit and will only keep my smaller list on MailChimp.

The screen capture above is a graph of my subscribers on ConvertKit over the last 30 days. You can see that I am averaging about 5 new subscribers each day and on pace to add almost 2,000 new subscribers this year! Just imagine what ConvertKit can do for your business by adding new potential customers.

ConvertKit - Courses

Here are the main reasons why I moved by list to ConvertKit.


It’s really easy to get started with ConvertKit and create your first form, import a list from MailChimp or other email marketing sites and sending out your first message which is called “Broadcast” on ConvertKit. It is also very easy to create what they call “Courses” and automate your list by creating a sequence of messages spaced out over several days. ConvertKit already lays that sequence out for you. All you have to do is fill it in with your own information and then switch each message to “Published” and then save the changes. Plus you can drag and drop your messages and rearrange them to where they work best in the sequence.

Subscriber Count

Most probably don’t know it but MailChimp counts subscribers each time they show up in of your list. That means if you are like me and have several list it is possible to have the same person in more than one list. If “Joe Smith” is in 3 out of your 5 list that you maintain, he would be counted as 3 subscribers by MailChimp. That means you could possibly be hitting that 2,000 subscribers in the “Free Forever” plan a lot sooner than you might expect.

But with ConvertKit if you have 5 list and “Joe Smith” subscribes to 4 out of 5 of those list, Joe would only be counted once. Potentially saving you a lot of money if you have a large list and switch from MailChimp to ConvertKit.


Support is super easy and build right into ConvertKit. It typically takes a few hours to get a reply and sometimes can take up to a day.

I recommend that you check it out and start building your own list in 2016. It has a 30-Day Return Policy and plans start off at just $29.99 for 1,000 subscribers. Right now I’m adding over 40 new subscribers about every 7 days between my lists.

Remember if you aren’t satisfied you can always export your mailing list and move to another provider. But I don’t think you’ll get the same results as you will with ConvertKit. Start converting students to revenue by building your own mailing list with ConvertKit!

Sign Up for ConvertKit Here!



If you move to ConvertKit let me know and I’ll give you 45 minutes of my time on Skype to help you get started setting things up! Really, I want to help you earn more this year so don’t forget to contact me if you become an ConvertKit customer and if you enroll in my ConvertKit course on Udemy.