Affordable Website for Self-Published Authors

Affordable Website for Self-Published Authors

Are you looking for an affordable way to promote your book and yourself online? WordPress is the easiest and most affordable solution on the planet.

Book Website

When I wrote my first book over 3-years ago I knew that I would need a website and social media presence. I had to considering my book is about promoting your business or cause using social media sites like Facebook. During that time I learned how to promote my book both online and offline, selling almost 1000 copies both Kindle and Paperback.

I also learned the importance of having a mailing list like MailChimp so I could target current and future readers. Something I found out not all self-published authors are doing. The problem is both a combination of lack of money, time and knowledge. Even though WordPress is pretty easy most still don’t have the knowledge to create their own website. Lets face it, sometimes it is easier to let others help us and focus our time on what we do best. Writing more books!

That’s where I come in, because I’m an author just like you. I have written and marketed a bestseller that has sold over 1000 copies on and has over 8,000 KDP promotion downloads. I know what it takes to promote your book online and capture reader information to grow your list and stay successful. Talk to me about building an affordable WordPress website for your current book or your next bestseller.

Contact Dennis


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