5 Social Media Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

5 Social Media Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

5 Social Media Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

Podcast MicI wrote a post a few months ago on 5 WordPress Podcast’s for those who want to learn more about WordPress.  I’m one of those who likes to read, listen and watch videos when it comes to learning. That is why I enjoy listening to the Social Media Podcast’s I have listed below. Load them on your favorite device and listen to them in the car on the way to work or a road trip, at the gym or while taking your favorite walk or hike. I’ve listed a few below that I listen too but there are several out there on both Stitcher Radio and iTunes. Search for “Social Media” and you will find tons of others listed. Do you have a favorite Social Media Podcast I forgot to list?


#1 Social Media Pubcast by Jon Loomer

I have followed Jon now for a few years and check out his blog from time-to-time and he always provides quality information on Facebook, blogging and more. Plus as a beer lover I appreciate the name pubcast.

#2 Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner
When it comes to finding great information on all forms of social media networking I always turn to Social Media Examiner which was started by the host of this podcast packed with great information.

#3 Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

If you are looking for more information on marketing online, especially Facebook Ads you have come to the right place. Amy has worked with people like Tony Robbins and companies like Harley-Davidson.

#4 Social Media Social Hour

Lots of great information can be found weekly on this podcast by Tyler J. Anderson. The most current episode has an interview with Mari Smith who I consider the Queen of Facebook and building relationships.

#5 Social Media Talk with Dennis J. Smith

My own podcast which has been on hiatus since last year, but still has lots of good information. I have been thinking about bring it back. Listen and feel free to leave a comment on Stitcher Radio or down below in the comments.



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