Author: Dennis J. Smith

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

How to Get More Pins and RePins on Pinterest

Pinterest Tips : Get More Pins and RePins – [INFOGRAPHIC]

  Here is some great information below on what you could be doing to get your Pinterest Pins Repinned. Taller images tend to catch more attention and descriptions around 200 characters work well. Have in tricks you use to get repinned on Pinterest? The Power of Pinning video series is a great way to get…
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Power of Pinning on Pinterest – Training Course

Everyone is talking about Pinterest… Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Pinterest: Pinterest grew to 10 million users faster than any other independent website in history. According to, most users are spending more time on Pinterest than Facebook. Nearly 12 million monthly unique visitors. Daily users have increased by more than 145% since the…
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Tips To Optimize Your Pinterest Images –[INFOGRAPHIC]

Looking for tips on how to make your images go viral on the popular pinning site Pinterest? Here is some great information on what to do to make your pins stand out so others share your work by re-pinning. Have any of your own tips? Please feel free to share in the comments below. Source:…
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Have a Pinterest Addiction? You aren’t alone! – [INFOGRAPHIC]

  Here’s more data on the explosive social media site Pinterest. Unique visits have grown over 866 percent since September of 2011. Are you on yet? Source: See infographic above

Are You Business Savvy When It Comes To Using Social Media?– [KMVT Interview]

I was interviewed last fall by Twin Falls News Station KMVT. Here’s the article from their website. By Brittany Cooper Story Created: Oct 1, 2011 at 11:42 PM MDT TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KMVT-TV) Many businesses are trying to break into the world of social media. Dennis Smith, author of “Promote your Business or Cause Using…
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Facebook Fan Page Timeline Tutorial–[INFOGRAPHIC]

Did you know you only have a few weeks to get your pages Timeline ready? Facebook plans to change all business fan pages over to the new Timeline format by March 30th, 2012. Here’s a great infographic I found from Timothy Brand that will help you get the results you are looking for. Need help?…
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Customizing Your New Facebook Timeline Business Page

Are you curious about how to make a great looking Facebook Business Page? How you add a cover photo? This video from Facebook will show the the basics on getting your Fan Page ready for prime time. Need some help? Contact me and I’ll help you create the perfect Facebook Business Fan Page. More about…
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Superman Saves Social Media - Video

Holy Social Media Batman! Social Media Saved The Day–[VIDEO]

Just Saved The Day! Batman and Superman review the finer points of social media while hanging out in their favorite café.   Source: YouTube

Tumble Into The Fast Growing Tumblr

What the heck is Tumblr? Tumbler is a rising star when it comes to social microblogging. The easy to use site allows users to post text, images, video, links and quotes to a short form blog. Nothing difficult here when it comes to setting up your first blog. Share anything! The numbers for this platform…
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Is Your Small Business Getting Social Media Right?

The top reason small businesses are using social media is because it is inexpensive. Yet only 26 percent of businesses employee someone to take care of their social media marketing. No surprise that Facebook is the most effective when it comes to promoting your business. Is your small business succeeding or falling flat with your…
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