Blog Talk Radio

Blog Talk Radio lets you take your cause to the Internet via your own talk show. Create a free account by filling out the online form or if you already have a Facebook account, use “Connect with Facebook.” Information you have already provided Facebook will be pulled into Blog Talk Radio to create your account.

Blog Talk Radio is the largest and fastest-growing social radio network on the Internet. It is integrated with other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter so you can share your show and promote your cause.


Besides the free version there are Premium versions of Blog Talk Radio that give you more features. With the free version, there is no software to download to your PC. There is a feature that allows for Live Chat with listeners during and after your live show.

Blog Talk Radio has more information on their website on how you go about hosting and promoting your show. There are many resources on the site regarding how to promote your show, write for search engine optimization, distributing press releases and the best format for your show when going on the air.


Blog Talk Radio is emerging as another part of the social media puzzle.  Check out more Blog Talk Radio resources below.

Blog Talk Radio Resources:
Site URL:
Getting Started:

More Reading:
Your Show Will Go Live in 5 Seconds ““ Jon Hansen