Tag: Blogging

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist


#AskDennis: Online Instructor Patricia Martin

#AskDennis: Online Instructor Patricia Martin Transcript for my reply to Instructor Patricia Martin: Welcome back for another edition of Ask Dennis and you can find previous episodes at https://dennisjsmith.com/askdennis using the hashtag Ask Dennis and today’s question comes from Tricia who is a Udemy instructor and she says thank you for offering this service for answering our course marketing…
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Affordable Blogging With WordPress – FREE Webinar

Is your business online? Are you keeping content on your website up-to-date? Blogging is an affordable way to let customers know about what your business offers. In this free webinar I’ll show you the basics of WordPress, how to install it, setting up a theme, your first post and how you can use it as…
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Tumble Into The Fast Growing Tumblr

What the heck is Tumblr? Tumbler is a rising star when it comes to social microblogging. The easy to use site allows users to post text, images, video, links and quotes to a short form blog. Nothing difficult here when it comes to setting up your first blog. Share anything! The numbers for this platform…
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22 Ways–Creating Compelling Blog Content

Are you at a loss when it comes to posting new content? I know that sometimes I draw a blank and need some inspiration. Number twenty-two on the list talks about recycling old content and making it fresh again. I hope this list gives you the inspiration to write something great. If you have some…
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Google AdSense Plugins

Google AdSense Plugins What is Google AdSense? Google AdSense is a program from Google that pays website and blog owners to display specific ads on their sites. It is free and you can track your earnings with online reports. The ads are usually targeted to match the relevant content on your site. How do I…
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Expose your WordPress blog postings with a little Facebook “Like”

Now you can get some “Like” on Facebook for your WordPress blog post with a simple plugin.  You don’t have to know anything about programming code like HTML.  While in your WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins on the left-hand menu.  Click the “Add New” button and type in “Facebook Like Button Plugin for WordPress” (current…
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Windows Live Writer makes blogging a breeze

Are you thinking about starting your own blog but scared off by technology?  It might not be as hard as you think when it comes to starting a blog.  If you know Microsoft Office you’re already halfway there.  If you don’t its still easy when you have tools that simplify the process.  Windows Live Writer…
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Blog your way to success using WordPress.com

Blogging is an important component of any businesses social media plan.  This blog is a WordPress blog and using one of many free themes available.  WordPress is the number one choice for bloggers around the world and open source. It’s possible to find free services for blogging like Blogger.com and WordPress.com.  Both work just fine…
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Blog Talk Radio adds talk radio to the social media mix

From the Book – Promote Your Business or Cause using Social Media by Dennis J. Smith