Category: Timeline Pages – Timeline

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Facebook adds “Get Notifications” Feature to Facebook Fan Pages

New Get Notifications Feature I talked about Facebook’s New “Get Notifications” on my talk show “Social Media Talk with Dennis J. Smith” and did a short video on where to look for it on Facebook. This is a great asset for Facebook Fan Page owners because now your followers can get all your notifications for…
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Tools To Create Beautiful Facebook Fan Pages – Webinar

Tools To Create Beautiful Facebook Fan Pages – Webinar Wednesday Dec. 19th Noon Mountain Time Get Rid Of Your Boring Fan Page Forever! Are you tired of having a boring fan page? Wondered how others have beautiful fan pages? Wanting to sell your products or services on Facebook? Wanting to create a form to capture information?…
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PinView Gives Facebook Timeline and Wall a Pinterest Like View

  Pinterest is the latest hot social media site and it is creating a lot of buzz. Its growth has been nothing short of phenomenal. PinView is a new app for Facebook that allows its users to have a Pinterest like view of their Timeline, Wall, Friends, Photos and Videos. Install the PinView app for…
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Facebook Fan Page Timeline Tutorial–[INFOGRAPHIC]

Did you know you only have a few weeks to get your pages Timeline ready? Facebook plans to change all business fan pages over to the new Timeline format by March 30th, 2012. Here’s a great infographic I found from Timothy Brand that will help you get the results you are looking for. Need help?…
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Customizing Your New Facebook Timeline Business Page

Are you curious about how to make a great looking Facebook Business Page? How you add a cover photo? This video from Facebook will show the the basics on getting your Fan Page ready for prime time. Need some help? Contact me and I’ll help you create the perfect Facebook Business Fan Page. More about…
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Size Matters When It Comes To Facebook

Updating your pages to the new Timeline for Fan Pages? Wondering what image size to use? What is the size of the profile picture in Facebook? With the new Timeline for Pages some new sizes have been added and older ones modified. Here’s a list of those dimensions to help you out when making changes…
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