Category: Social Media Tools

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Tools To Create Beautiful Facebook Fan Pages – Webinar

Tools To Create Beautiful Facebook Fan Pages – Webinar Wednesday Dec. 19th Noon Mountain Time Get Rid Of Your Boring Fan Page Forever! Are you tired of having a boring fan page? Wondered how others have beautiful fan pages? Wanting to sell your products or services on Facebook? Wanting to create a form to capture information?…
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Social Media Image Size Chart–Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest

Are you confused at what size image you should use for your profile photo on Pinterest? How about your cover photos for your fan page on Facebook? The image you choose to use for your fan page or personal profile is important. Especially when it comes to your brand and how you want your business…
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Facebook Fan Page Workshop : Nampa, ID

21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop Looking for ways to get more “Like” on your Facebook Fan Page? Join Social Media Author Dennis J. Smith, GreenHostUSA and Fan Page Bling for the “21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop” in Nampa, ID…
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Google Releases Version 1.0.5 Google+ Android App Update

Android users now can now update to the latest version of the Google+ app from their Android phone or the Android Market. Google+ Android app (v.1.0.5) brings several improvements to the mobile version. Check out the video below from Google’s Mobile Project Manager +Punit Soni.         v1.0.5 August 2, 2011 Improved notifications…
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How-To Stop Those Bouncing Website Visitors

How do you track visits to your website or blog? If you are are using Google Analytics you might be familiar with the term Bounce Rate. But what is Bounce Rate? The Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit a single-page and then bounce from your site. If you have 1000 visitors on…
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Hyper Alerts Free Facebook Fan Page Notification Tool

With all the social media sites out there it’s a wonder that we have time to do much.  Most of us running a business don’t have time to monitor our Facebook Fan Pages.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know when someone has left a comment for one of your post?  I have found the perfect…
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Facebook Video Tutorial – Fan Page Tab Removal

Here’s a short Facebook video tutorial on how you can remove a tab from your Facebook Fan Page.  If you remove it on accident it is easy to add the application back to your page.  Anyone who is an admin of a fan page can edit the page going to “Edit Page” in the menu. …
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Get Real-Time Facebook Updates On Your Desktop

I love it when I find a cool new social media tool that I can share with friends and others.  Facebook Desktop is one of those social media tools that notifies you in real-time when friends post something new to Facebook, updates their status, comments on your photos and more.  All this without the need…
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Keep On Top Of Your Social Media Game With Nutshell Mail

Feel like you are struggling to keep up with your social media?  Don’t get buried in status updates, pokes, mail and Tweets.  There’s a whole lot of services out there that make it easy to manage social media.  The one I like the most is Nutshell Mail from the makers of Constant Contact.  Setting up…
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Google AdSense Plugins

Google AdSense Plugins What is Google AdSense? Google AdSense is a program from Google that pays website and blog owners to display specific ads on their sites. It is free and you can track your earnings with online reports. The ads are usually targeted to match the relevant content on your site. How do I…
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