Google Releases Version 1.0.5 Google+ Android App Update

Google Releases Version 1.0.5 Google+ Android App Update

Android users now can now update to the latest version of the Google+ app from their Android phone or the Android Market. Google+ Android app (v.1.0.5) brings several improvements to the mobile version. Check out the video below from Google’s Mobile Project Manager +Punit Soni.





August 2, 2011

  • Improved notifications reliability
  • "___ added you to Google+" notifications shown in bulk
  • Share stream posts to individual people (search people & contacts)
  • Clicking a +mention takes you to the person’s profile
  • Stream no longer resets to top when screen is rotated
  • Nearby accuracy & refresh improvements
  • Start a one-on-one huddle from a person’s profile or a group huddle from a circle profile
  • Hide one-on-one huddles
  • Clickable links in huddles
  • Confirmation text when leaving a huddle ("Are you sure you want to leave?")
  • Improved autocomplete (people/contacts) when adding a person to a huddle
  • Reshared posts show correct profile photo

    Punit Soni is the lead product manager for Google+ mobile has shared this video on YouTube talking about the changes. Download the updated version of Google+ for your Android from your phone or Android Market.




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