Grow Your MailChimp Mailing List On The Go

Grow Your MailChimp Mailing List On The Go

Do you find yourself looking for ways to grow your mailing list? Nathan Barry puts out some great content on how to do that and be successful. Recently a client of mine sent me an email with some information from MailChimp. If you’re not familiar, MailChimp is a website that I use to keep track of my mailing list subscribers and send them newsletters each month or bi-weekly. They have this simple app called Chimpadeedoo for your iPad and Android tablet. The app is free and can be customized (see screenshot below) according to your your type of business. It makes it easy to sign up new subscribers when attending in-person events.

MailChimp for Android and iPad Tablets

Screenshot from my Nexus 7

Thanks to @MailChimp and a well-placed iPad w/ Chimpadeedoo, have a client that’s gone from 250 subscribers to 10,000 in one year.Love it.

— Armin Ghazi (@ask_armin) February 6, 2012

You can decide how much information you want to collect from subscribers. However I recommend that you keep it to something like first name and e-mail address. Studies show that the less information you ask for the better chances you have that someone will subscribe to your list.

Do you have a mailing list for your business? Are you using MailChimp or another service? Leave me a comment below and lets chat.

Setting up Chimpadeedoo

Check out this Chimpadeedoo success stories I found on the MailChimp blog.

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2 Responses

  1. HI, Dennis! Good post. I signed up earlier this week for MailChimp. However, I don’t own a tablet, alas. Is there a way to set up a squeeze page if my website is on WordPress?

  2. Thanks Kathy! You bet, I’m going to start doing more webinars which will feature MailChimp and it will be in the next update of my book. We could also meet up and I can show you how if you want to get me a cup of coffee. Send me a message on Facebook.

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