Size Matters When It Comes To Facebook

Size Matters When It Comes To Facebook

Updating your pages to the new Timeline for Fan Pages? Wondering what image size to use? What is the size of the profile picture in Facebook?

With the new Timeline for Pages some new sizes have been added and older ones modified. Here’s a list of those dimensions to help you out when making changes to your page or advertising on Facebook.


Cover Photo for Timeline

This is the big picture (also known as Cover Photo) for Facebook’s Timeline.
Width: 851px
Height: 315px

Facebook Page Width

The usable area (custom tabs) of your brands Facebook page
Width: 810 px
Height: Unlimited

This is the maximum size of the image you can upload.
Width: 2048px
Height: 2048px

Application icons for Timeline view

These are the icons that are displayed on a fan page that has Facebook Timeline enabled. If your picture exceeds these limits, your icon will be resized and converted.
Width: 75px
Height: 75px
Maximum file size: 5MB

Facebook Status Update

Status update length: 63,206 characters
Comment length: unlimited


The maximum file size of video you can upload
Size: 1024MB
Length: 20 minutes

Facebook application favicon size

This is the tiny icon that is being displayed on the left hand side of your news feed, where the applications that you use are.
Width: 16px
Height: 16px

Facebook milestone picture size

This is the size you use for milestone pictures such as company’s foundation date.
Width: 843 pixels
Height: 403 pixels

Profile picture for Timeline pages

Profile pictures sizes were recently updated for timeline. The new width and height are 180 px which will be automatically scaled down to following:
Width: 32px
Height: 32px

Please Note: It is important to choose a picture that can be scaled down as the profile pictures that are displayed on Timeline posts are really small. Best practice is to choose your business logo.

Thumbnail When Sharing

The image that is displayed next to the link when you click like or share something.
Width: 90px
Height: 90px

Pictures displayed in Facebook

This is the maximum size of the image as shown in slide show or album.
Width: 960px
Height: 720px

Facebook Ads

Picture in the ad
Width: 110px
Height: 80px
Size: 5MB

Text in ad
Header: 25 characters
Body copy: 135 characters


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2 Responses

  1. […] I recommend this post by Dennis Smith. He does a good job of outlining the different image […]

  2. Facetherain says:

    Cool, Dennis, thanks for the information.  I was wondering about all that.  I need to resize my photos before I upload them as a cover pic.  

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