Tag: Facebook Fan Page

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

100+ WordPress Fan Pages on Facebook

People forget that social networking isn’t just about posting a status update and making comments. You can learn a lot from social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and others by following fan pages or an expert in your field of interest. The same holds true when it comes to WordPress which is used by…
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Video Tips

How-To Get Friends to "Like" your Facebook Fan Page

You have a Facebook Fan Page and now you want to get people to like your new page. Well your friends will probably be some of the first to like your page. So how do you get them to your page to click that “Like” button? There are a few different ways to do that…
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Get More Likes, Shares and Comments on your Facebook Fan Page – FREE Webinar

Get Huge Engagement On Facebook – Free Webinar October 6th Are you struggling with getting your fans to like, comment and share your fan page post? Reserve your space for my upcoming free webinar on Sunday October 6th at 6PM Pacific Time and I’ll teach you tips on how to get more likes, more comments…
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Woobox Static HTML Tab for Facebook Fan Pages

The Static HMTL Facebook Page Tab allows you to use HTML, images, or a URL to create a custom tab on your Facebook Fan Page. The tab is free and is easy to install and setup. Below are the steps and a video so you can install this on your own Fan Page. Step One…
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Facebook adds “Get Notifications” Feature to Facebook Fan Pages

New Get Notifications Feature I talked about Facebook’s New “Get Notifications” on my talk show “Social Media Talk with Dennis J. Smith” and did a short video on where to look for it on Facebook. This is a great asset for Facebook Fan Page owners because now your followers can get all your notifications for…
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Tools To Create Beautiful Custom Facebook Fan Pages

Tools To Create Beautiful Custom Facebook Fan Pages Get Rid Of Your Boring Fan Page Forever! Are you tired of having a boring fan page? Wondered how others have beautiful fan pages? Wanting to sell your products or services on Facebook? Wanting to create a form to capture information? Add video to teach, sell, inspire…
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Facebook Fan Page Feature – Get Notifications

Facebook is rolling out their latest features to help page owners get their message out in front of their fans. By checking “Get Notifications” your fans will get a notification each time you post a new update to your page. See more in this updated article: Read More

15+ Ways To Get More “Like” For Your Facebook Fan Page

Learn 15+ Ways to get more Like on your Facebook Fan Page. These slides are from a webinar presented on 11/8/2012. Find out more about my webinars at https://dennisjsmith.com. 15+ Ways to get more Like for your Facebook Fan Page Webinar from Dennis Smith

INFOGRAPHIC–5 Reasons You Should Not Use A Facebook Profile For Your Business

Did you know you are missing out big time by using a Facebook “Personal” Profile for your business? You can’t take advantage of all the features designed specifically for business. Business Fan Pages are the way to go when marketing your business on Facebook. Here’s some reasons to convert to a page and take advantage of these…
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Facebook adds new Onsite Notification setting to fan pages

Facebook adds new Onsite Notification setting to fan page Admin Panel. Go to your fan page > Admin Panel > Manage Notifications (under the Edit Page drop-down menu). Checking the Onsite Notifications box will give you instant notification when someone posts, likes, comments or sends you a message via your Page. It is the same…
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