Woobox Static HTML Tab for Facebook Fan Pages

Woobox Static HTML Tab for Facebook Fan Pages

The Static HMTL Facebook Page Tab allows you to use HTML, images, or a URL to create a custom tab on your Facebook Fan Page. The tab is free and is easy to install and setup. Below are the steps and a video so you can install this on your own Fan Page.

Step One

Go to Facebook and search for “Woobox Custom Tab” or go to https://apps.facebook.com/iframehost-a. Click on the Green “Install Page Tab” button.

Step Two

Select the fan page from the “Add Page Tab” drop-down list to install the application. On the next page click the “Add Static Iframe Tab” button.

Step Three
The app will refresh the page and take you to the settings for the app or might go to your pages Timeline. Locate the apps icon and click on it to go to the apps settings.

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Step Four

Fill out the settings for your new tab by entering the Page Tab Share Settings first. This will allow those visiting your page to share info on your page to their Timeline wall. Next fill out your page source settings by entering in a URL (set the pixel height and if you want to hide the scrollbars), Redirect (enter redirect URL), Image (Select an image to upload, max size: 810px wide by 1200px tall, 400kb) or HTML.

What you enter in as the source will determine what is displayed on your fan page.

[hcshort id=”5″]


Fan-Gate – When on you can display a different page for those who have not liked your page yet. When then “Like” your page they will see the content you entered above for the Page Source.

Friend-Gate – This is included in the WooBox Pro Plan. You can set it to allow someone access to the content if they have X number of friends who have already “Liked” your fan page.

Form-Gate – Collect information from the visitor before display the content of your page.

Tab Icon – If you would like to use another icon the instructions are provided by WooBox on how to do this.

Tab Name – Give your tab a name.

Tab Image – Change the Tab image that is showing on your fan page. This is 111px wide by 74px tall. Please note that Facebook is changing Timeline for personal pages and this could happen to business pages, therefore Tab Images might go away.

Install Another Tab – Install another Static HMTL tab to your fan page.

Last Step:

Save the Settings and then scroll to the top of your page and click “View Tab” to view your new page. Need some help with custom Facebook tabs? Contact Me.

If this helped you out please leave a comment or question below. I use WP Optins 2.0 in the video which is a List Building Plugin for WordPress which can be used with your Facebook Fan Page. Want to learn more about building a list with MailChimp? Check out my FREE 6-part Video Series and get your own FREE MailChimp account today.


3 Responses

  1. Cecilia Perez says:

    I just saw your tutorial but it doesn´t say how I can make my fan content image clickable so people can click the image and be redirected to my sign up form.

    Can you help out with this please?


  2. Megan says:

    How on earth do you edit a tab once you’ve created it!? Why is this so convoluted!!!!!???

  3. You should be able to edit it right in Facebook if you are admin of your page.

    If not I would suggest contacting Woobox for general support questions: support@woobox.com

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