Content By SF Indie Fashion Here’s something we predict you’ll see more and more of very quickly: local fashion brands with Facebook stores. The first we’ve run across comes from Aksel Paris (don’t let the name fool you, the company’s actually based in SoMa). The menswear line recently launched the shop with six men’s shirts ($79-$89) from its Paris collection, and in true Facebook fashion, we hear the store will be offering special discounts just for fans. I wanted to share the short article above so my readers can see how others are using social media to sell product on sites like Facebook. Do you know of any other companies with Facebook stores? How are you using social media to promote your products or goods?
Payvment Expands Toolset For Power Facebook Sellers
Payvment, a leading e-commerce solution for Facebook Page administrators, has just introduced a number of new features including the ability for Etsy users to import their entire Etsy product catalog. Additionally, the company is releasing a suite of enterprise APIs for Facebook Stores. That means developers can now take advantage of the new IPN service, an Order Management API, a Shopping Cart API, and more, to automate the entire Facebook shopping experience. For those who are less aware of what Payvment is, they provide Facebook Page administrators with a full-fledged e-commerce solution which supports shopping and payments on the site. Right now the service is free to set up. The company’s business model has enabled them to reach tens of thousands of Facebook Pages with very little promotion aside from a small footer on each shopping tab which says “Launch your free store on Facebook” and links back to Payvment. While the volume of e-commerce transactions on Facebook is not known, many companies have been taking new steps to offer on-Facebook transaction support. Delta, for example, just announced that they would begin accepting purchases directly within their Facebook Page. Whether or not these tests have proven to be successful is unknown, however there’s no harm in enabling buyers to make purchases anywhere they happen to be online, even if that location is Facebook. While we’re still waiting to hear more about the transaction volume of sales on Facebook, Payvment is currently the leading company in bringing e-commerce to Facebook. If you are interested in learning more about the company you can do so by visiting their website. Article by Neil O’Neill of Read more about Payvment for Facebook in my August 2010 article.
Create a Payvment storefront on Facebook in under 15 minutes
Please note: Since this article was written Payvment was sold and the links below might no longer be valid. I have left the article up for reference. Are you the crafty type and thought about selling product on Facebook? What if I told you all you need is a Facebook and PayPal account to get started? There are over 500 million customers waiting for you to set-up shop on Facebook. We’ve all heard of EBay, and some maybe have even heard of ETSY as places to sell and purchase product online. But with the explosive growth of social media the new player in town for e-commerce is Facebook. Payvment is a Facebook application that is free and easy for anyone to set-up. It connects to your PayPal personal or business account to process payments using PayPal and any major credit card. Right now the application is free while in beta and Payvment says that any Payvment Facebook store will remain free even after the public beta ends. Okay, so it might take a little more than 15 minutes to roll out a store but most will be up in running in less than an hour. I would say the most time consuming isn’t setting up the store, but taking photos of your product to display in the store. But setting up the customizations and adding product is a pretty simple process. Here’s what a typical Payvment storefront on Facebook looks like. Notice the shopping cart above the product as the customers adds product to the cart. Payvment lets you add product from any store on Facebook that use the Payvment application. Payments are processed via PayPal accordingly with all shipping and tax calculated at checkout. When a customer clicks on an item they get a more detailed description of the item. Notice the Fan Discount for those who are a fan of the page. You can give fans of your page an instant discount on your products. You don’t have to offer a discount but this is a pretty effective way to get others to “Like” your business and hopefully purchase product. Payvment reports that a Forbes study shows that Facebook Fans are 41% more likely to recommend a brand and 28% more likely to continue using them. They also state that a Facebook Fan is worth $136.38 on average and spends $71.84 more each year compared to non fans. Could you imagine what that might translate into if you had 1000 fans? Those who are fans of your page can also “Share” a product they like which will post that item to their wall. That gives store owners even more potential for new fans and sells. Here’s an item I posted to my wall by sharing it from the ELytes Facebook store. Here’s what the Payvment product page looks like showing the price, price after fan discount, quantity, size, color and product description depending on the product you sell. Real-world Use of Payvment for Facebook Motivational speaker and author Johnna Johnson is using Facebook and Payvment to promote and sell her books, e-Book and workbooks. With Payvment you can designate specific product as Featured Items. If you know HTML you can also control the look of your storefront homepage. Check out the list of Payvment stores below and see what others are doing for ideas. Small business owner and single mom Rachel Dobbs uses the application on her fan page Pioneer Soap Works to sell her homemade natural candles, soaps, bath bombs and more from the comforts of her home. I first met Rachel through Facebook when I was doing research for my book. She started out selling her product to friends and family and then a local gift shop and a Saturday Market. Now a majority of her business comes right from her Facebook Fan page after adding the Payvment storefront. I asked Rachel her thoughts on using Payvment as a shopping cart solution. She told me that it was extremely easy to install and having a little html knowledge helped. It was about $100 a month for a shopping cart on her website and she only had 2 sales for the entire year. With Payvment it easy for her to add new product to her store. Rachel also likes that there aren’t any fees, monthly charges or percentage of your sales with Payvment. It’s 100 percent free! Within the first week of using the application her sales increased 40 percent. See sample Payvment stores on Facebook This is only a sampling of the over 30,000 and growing small/medium size businesses, major brands, and retailers using Payvment to build user engagement and revenue on Facebook. Yes to Carrots (Selling in U.S. Dollars) Elytes (Selling in U.S. Dollars) Johnna Johnson & Co. (Selling in U.S. Dollars) Grayce by Molly Sims (Selling in U.S. Dollars) Orglamix Cosmetics (Selling in U.S. Dollars) Vanity Shoes (Selling in Euros) Game Intern (Selling in U.S. Dollars) Claire’s Bowtique (Selling in U.S. Dollars) Athehof (Taiwan) (Selling in Taiwan New Dollars) Payvment Administration Payvment has lots of features including the ability to put your store in suspend mode. This is useful for those who take a vacation and need to suspend business while away. Managing your store is done though backend administration which is shown below. New products are added here, product images, product descriptions, store categories, shipping information and modification of current store product. Tax rates can be set-up for both domestic and international customers. Video tutorials to help you get started quickly How to Quickly Launch a Storefront on Facebook How to Add Products to Your Facebook Storefront How to Set Up Facebook “Fan” Discount Pricing How to Set Up Inventory Controls How to Set Up Dynamic Rate Shipping and Sales Tax Are you selling on Facebook or online? What do you use for a shopping cart? Feel free to leave a comment below along with a link to you Payvment store. Build Your Store – Launch a Payvment Store
Adding Facebook Page Admins
How do I add other Facebook Page Admins? To appoint other users as Page Admins, take the following steps: Add Facebook Fan Page Admin Select the "Edit Page" option when you are viewing the Page you currently administer. Scroll down to the list of current admins on the bottom right column and click "Add." Choose the names of any people from your Friend List that you would like to add as Admins. If the individual you wish to invite to admin your Page is not presently a member of Facebook, simply type their email address in the "Add Admins via Email" field. They can then register for the site and will be able to accept the admin request as soon as they join Facebook. Click the "Add Admins" button. The friends you select will be able to help you manage your Page. Every Admin can manage the Page from their own Facebook account using the Page Manager application. More information about pages and using Facebook can always been found under Account and the Help Center. That can be found at the top of each on Facebook in the upper right corner in the dark blue bar. Access Facebook Help Center for more information