Did you know you only have a few weeks to get your pages Timeline ready? Facebook plans to change all business fan pages over to the new Timeline format by March 30th, 2012. Here’s a great infographic I found from Timothy Brand that will help you get the results you are looking for. Need help? Feel free to contact me for great looking fan pages. Source: See infographic above.
Tumble Into The Fast Growing Tumblr
What the heck is Tumblr? Tumbler is a rising star when it comes to social microblogging. The easy to use site allows users to post text, images, video, links and quotes to a short form blog. Nothing difficult here when it comes to setting up your first blog. Share anything! The numbers for this platform are too significant to ignore. 900% growth in the last 12 months 90 million users compared to only 10 million a year ago Addictive and highly engaged audience with 2% of its audience making up 43% of total visits The engagement on Tumblr is only second to Facebook at an average of over 141 minutes per month per user. Tumble on down through other statistics below and feel from to check out my Tumblr here: http://socialmediabook.tumblr.com/ Source: See infographic above for sources.
Is Your Small Business Getting Social Media Right?
The top reason small businesses are using social media is because it is inexpensive. Yet only 26 percent of businesses employee someone to take care of their social media marketing. No surprise that Facebook is the most effective when it comes to promoting your business. Is your small business succeeding or falling flat with your social media marketing? Source: Intuit
Are you wondering WTF is Pinterest?–[INFOGRAPHIC]
Pinterest continues its zoom up the charts of most visited US websites. This highly addictive site continues you add new users. Do you think it will continue to move up the chart below? Are you addicted? If you are wondering WTF is Pinterest read on with this helpful infographic below. Courtesy of: Online Schools
Marketer’s Guide To Pinterest–[INFOGRAPHIC]
Looking for ways to make Pinterest work for your business? Several major companies are already on-board with Pinterest. Many are discovering the benefits of this hot social media darling. The site hit 11.7 million unique visits in January of 2012 and users are spending several minutes a day pinning and re-pinning to their boards. Do you have a Pinterest marketing plan? Check out the infographic below for more information and feel free to comment. Source: See Infographic for source information.
22 Ways–Creating Compelling Blog Content
Are you at a loss when it comes to posting new content? I know that sometimes I draw a blank and need some inspiration. Number twenty-two on the list talks about recycling old content and making it fresh again. I hope this list gives you the inspiration to write something great. If you have some ideas of your own feel free to comment below.
Pinteresting Demographics–[INFOGRAPHIC]
Have you left Facebook and become part of the Pinterest craze? If you are you have about 1.36 million other pinners keeping you company each day. Here are some pinteresting facts about the popular pinning social media site. Leave some comments and let others know how you are using Pinterest or follow new pinners. Follow me at http://www.pinterest.com/dennisjsmith and don’t forget to follow my Pinterest Articles and Information and Social Media pinboards. Infographic by: Modea Click on image for a larger view
Write “Sharp” statuses: 8 Status Ideas that will Improve your Facebook EdgeRank – [INFOGRAPHIC]
I have some news you probably won’t like. Being boring on Facebook won’t get you many likes. It’s true! In order to get the “Likes” and be seen by others you have to produce exciting content and status updates that create interaction amongst your friends or those who have “Liked” your fan page. Not sure how to do that? I found this handy infographic that will help you get it right. Feel free to comment and leave a tip on how you are getting more “likes”. Check out the article from PostPlanner for more information on how EdgeRank works. [divider] [hcshort id=”13″]
Twitter 2012–Freshest Statistics on the King of Microblogging Services [INFOGRAPHIC]
Are you on Twitter? There are 11 new Twitter accounts are created every second. The United States boast the most users and Lady Gaga has over 19 million followers. Those are some amazing numbers and will only continue to grow. The infographic below provides some more interest stats on Twitter 2012. Sources: See the infographic above for sources.
The Social Media Salary Guide [INFOGRAPHIC]
Do you know what U.S. cities offer the most Social Media jobs? What are some of the top job titles? A Social Media Specialist in Denver, CO makes an average of 33k-51k a year. That same position pays up to 77k in the Motor City or as low as 32k in Austin,Texas. The infographic below was produced by OnwardSearch and offers a breakdown of salary information, the top 20 cities for Social Media and more. More Social Media information on Pinterest Source: OnwardSearch