This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, MillionaireDj, and Matt Bernstein. Please click to view the courses of the Udemy Instructors featured in this Blab. Sponsored By:
Talking With Udemy Instructor and TeacHack Founder Dragoş Ștefănescu
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Matt Bernstein, and Dragos Stefanescu. Please click to view the courses of the Udemy Instructors featured in this Blab. Sponsored By:
Meet Udemy Instructor Alex Genadinik With 72 Courses Plus Ebooks and Apps
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Alex Genadinik, and Matt Bernstein
Building and Marketing to your audience with WordPress with host Matt and Dennis
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Phil Ebiner, Kristi Lambert, and Matt Bernstein
#Udemy Chat with Udemy Instructors Dennis Smith, Matt Bernstein and Phil Ebiner
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Rob Cubbon, Chad Tennant, Phil Ebiner, Coach Michael, Jeremy Deighan, Sergey Kasimov, and Matt Bernstein
#UdemyMarketing with #Udemy Instructors Dennis Smith and Matt Bernstein
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Bob Marx, Ileane Smith, CocoW, and Matt Bernstein
Effective Udemy Marketing For Newbie Udemy Instructors
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Drew, Max Stryker, and Andre Kasberger
Power of Pinning on Pinterest – Training Course
Everyone is talking about Pinterest… Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Pinterest: Pinterest grew to 10 million users faster than any other independent website in history. According to, most users are spending more time on Pinterest than Facebook. Nearly 12 million monthly unique visitors. Daily users have increased by more than 145% since the start of 2012. It’s the hottest thing since sliced bread and it’s time for you to get in on the action and learn how to PROPERLY use it for your business.You see, it’s not just about using Pinterest, it’s about using Pinterest correctly with the right strategies to get big results fast.It’s time to Use Pinterest to Get Exposure, Traffic & Sales. Learn how to use Pinterest to: Gain incredible exposure for your business. Drive tons of quality traffic to your site. Surprising strategies to boost your SEO. Create consistent viral marketing for your brand. Post an online catalogue on Pinterest. Make money just by pinning! Stop struggling and let’s make you and your business a success. Access your comprehensive training materials to start using Pinterest for your business here: Power of Pinning on Pinterest
Promote Your Business or Cause Offline
Besides promoting your business or cause online using social media, you still have to use some traditional offline marketing. The internet has made it easier to use those traditional ways for marketing and keep the cost down. In promoting a few of my business endeavors I came across I took the advice of a friend and picked up a copy of a local business journal. From that I was able to gather the names of new businesses and their addresses. I then created a database using a contact database template I downloaded for free from Microsoft. I was able to add the information to the database and then use Word to print labels for the postcards I designed. The postcards were easy to create online and keep the look and feel of my book. I slapped on the labels and a $.28 cent postcard stamp. The 100 postcards were free thought VistaPrint (special promotion) and I only paid for shipping plus for a few modifications I had made. Besides postcards there are many ways to catch the eye of a potential customer. You could create a t-shirt with your businesses logo and web address and give it away as a prize. With websites like VistaPrint you can even get your first t-shirt free plus shipping. There are tons of ways you can promote your business or cause offline and bring those new customers to your online endeavors. Since I am promoting a book I used Overnight Prints and created a bookmark that I handout to potential customers. The bookmark is something they can use and is always reminding others on where they can buy my book or join the Facebook fan page. Make sure you add all important information such as Facebook page, Twitter User Name, blog address or website URL. Keep your theme the same for all promotional items to make your brand stand out. Notice how the postcard above has the same look at the bookmark to the left. Both have the same look as the cover of my book. Have fun with your promotion and feel free to post a comment with link to your offline promotional designs.