#UdemyMarketing with #Udemy Instructors Dennis Smith and Matt Bernstein

#UdemyMarketing with #Udemy Instructors Dennis Smith and Matt Bernstein

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Bob Marx, Ileane Smith, CocoW, and Matt Bernstein


89 Responses

  1. Scott Duffy says:

    put it in a huge box

  2. thank you all, great Blab ?

  3. thanks guys, great blab!

  4. Ileane Smith says:

    Looking forward to the next #UdemyBlab

  5. @TheLambiepoo Thanks for that idea.

  6. @SocialMediaDJS Ileane has the best ideas 🙂

  7. Ileane Smith says:

    They don’t want to use timers

  8. Ileane Smith says:

    You would need to tell people

  9. make a blab course!

  10. and u can do a Ctrl-A and copy the comments into a word doc

  11. Ileane Smith says:

    @TheLambiepoo good point Kristi

  12. Ileane Smith says:

    Do it before you end the Blab though

  13. it gets the pcis too

  14. whole screen here too

  15. it puts it all into the doc

  16. this was helpful, was looking into Udemy to expand my business, so crossed it off the list

  17. Ileane Smith says:

    They can catch the replay right here at this link

  18. crowdlearn says:

    Just got here (from New Zealand)

  19. Scott Duffy says:

    wrapping up, only 30 more minutes

  20. Dave Espino says:

    There’s another Udemy blab in one hour…

  21. good bye, and see you in the next Blab everyone! ?

  22. bye, great blab, see ya 😉

  23. You can expand your learning immediately by watching several free lectures of my Udemy Marketing course (included in the course curriculum). Learn more: https://goo.gl/U2ql2O

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