Tag: WordPress Themes

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

How The WordPress Theme Renders Pages – [INFOGRAPHIC]

I love it when I find great information I can share with my readers. Have you ever wondered how your WordPress blog works? The cheat sheet infographic below shows how all the elements come together to create great looking blogs and websites. Source: Yoast

Vintage WordPress Theme

WordPress Themes – The Ultimate List

The beauty of WordPress is the availability of hundreds if not thousands of themes to get that look and feel regardless of the industry you are in. You can find beautiful and functional themes that are both free (use caution when looking for free themes+) and for a nominal cost. Here are some links to many great WordPress themes in…
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Find Your Perfect WordPress Dream Theme

The feature I like the most about WordPress is its ability to let you change the look and feel of your site.  It can be done on the fly without any web development background.  You can accomplish this by finding the perfect themes and plugins to suit your needs.  WordPress has thousands of self-installs which…
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Windows Live Writer makes blogging a breeze

Are you thinking about starting your own blog but scared off by technology?  It might not be as hard as you think when it comes to starting a blog.  If you know Microsoft Office you’re already halfway there.  If you don’t its still easy when you have tools that simplify the process.  Windows Live Writer…
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Blog your way to success using WordPress.com

Blogging is an important component of any businesses social media plan.  This blog is a WordPress blog and using one of many free themes available.  WordPress is the number one choice for bloggers around the world and open source. It’s possible to find free services for blogging like Blogger.com and WordPress.com.  Both work just fine…
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