#Udemy Chat: Udemy Instructor Rob Cubbon!
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Rob Cubbon, Suzanne Kiraly, Ileane Smith, Mark Timberlake, Maggie Unzueta, Brynne Tillman, Marc Isaacson, and Gary Leland-PapaPodcast
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Rob Cubbon, Suzanne Kiraly, Ileane Smith, Mark Timberlake, Maggie Unzueta, Brynne Tillman, Marc Isaacson, and Gary Leland-PapaPodcast
86 Responses
It’s not Udemy’s fault.
It’s that the query argument is not formatted properly.
It should be preceded by a & when there are other query arguments.
If they appended &ref=blab it wouldn’t break things.
that is what they append
They are always just blindly appending ?ref=blab
They need to program it so that it detects whether there is already a query argument in the path
It’s really not that hard of a programming change.
it blows up coupons for sure
Yes, because there is already a ?couponCode=somecode
The cookie lasts 7 days after a purchase on Udemy
so you get the affiliate commision for 7 days
On anything course the students purchases for 7 days after using your affiliate link
Ileane’s course rocks!
I’m checking out EDLOUD.com at the moment
@TimCooperEdu I’m not to sure about the $99 a month price tag.
I’m looking into it, but they appear to do a lot of marketing and provide a lot of other services on top of just hosting a course
I’m also looking for a more interactive student experience
Nice to see you Rob!
fiverr maybe?
Interesting. Online courses was the subject of today’s hangout on 22social.
It’s an exploding industry
Matt! Hi!
@TheLambiepoo Hi!
I do course creation services
check out http://ecoursedomination.com/coaching-services/
@TimCooperEdu I create my own courses but may be looking to outsource some of the work soon. Business is picking up.
Thank all!
the replay goes over how to sell and host your courses on your fb page: http://monelico.com/summit
@MonicaRamosTV cool 🙂