#Udemy Chat: Udemy Instructor Rob Cubbon!

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

#Udemy Chat: Udemy Instructor Rob Cubbon!

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Rob Cubbon, Suzanne Kiraly, Ileane Smith, Mark Timberlake, Maggie Unzueta, Brynne Tillman, Marc Isaacson, and Gary Leland-PapaPodcast


86 Responses

  1. It’s not Udemy’s fault.

  2. It’s that the query argument is not formatted properly.

  3. It should be preceded by a & when there are other query arguments.

  4. If they appended &ref=blab it wouldn’t break things.

  5. monetizelinkedin.com

  6. that is what they append

  7. They are always just blindly appending ?ref=blab

  8. They need to program it so that it detects whether there is already a query argument in the path

  9. It’s really not that hard of a programming change.

  10. it blows up coupons for sure

  11. Yes, because there is already a ?couponCode=somecode

  12. Tim Cooper says:

    The cookie lasts 7 days after a purchase on Udemy

  13. Tim Cooper says:

    so you get the affiliate commision for 7 days

  14. Tim Cooper says:

    On anything course the students purchases for 7 days after using your affiliate link

  15. Ileane’s course rocks!

  16. Tim Cooper says:

    I’m checking out EDLOUD.com at the moment

  17. @TimCooperEdu I’m not to sure about the $99 a month price tag.

  18. Tim Cooper says:

    I’m looking into it, but they appear to do a lot of marketing and provide a lot of other services on top of just hosting a course

  19. Tim Cooper says:

    I’m also looking for a more interactive student experience

  20. Nice to see you Rob!

  21. Monica Ramos says:

    Interesting. Online courses was the subject of today’s hangout on 22social.

  22. Tim Cooper says:

    It’s an exploding industry

  23. Tim Cooper says:

    I do course creation services

  24. Monica Ramos says:

    @TimCooperEdu I create my own courses but may be looking to outsource some of the work soon. Business is picking up.

  25. Monica Ramos says:

    the replay goes over how to sell and host your courses on your fb page: http://monelico.com/summit

  26. Tim Cooper says:

    @MonicaRamosTV cool 🙂

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