5 Udemy Course Marketing Resources for Udemy Newbies

5 Udemy Course Marketing Resources for Udemy Newbies


Are you new to Udemy and feel like you are kind of lost now that you have published your first course and waiting for the dollars to start flowing? Don’t get discouraged because it can take awhile to get that first sell or to hit your first $100 dollars in revenue. It took me awhile to get there but thankfully there are a lot of resources out there to help you along. Here are a few of those resources from Udemy and a few that I’ve created myself during my journey on the Udemy platform since I started with my first course in July of 2014.

Udemy Teach – Course Marketing

Learn how to start marketing your course before you hit the “Publish” button. Lots of great marketing tips can be found on this site from Udemy including what Udemy will do to help promote your course and what you can do to help make your course competitive in the Udemy Marketplace. Make sure you enroll in their Free course “How to” Course on Marketing!

Udemy Course Marketing Checklist

The Udemy Course Marketing Checklist is a list of over 45 places online and on Facebook where you can post your Udemy Course Coupons.

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Udemy Bestseller

Read this article for more about Udemy’s Forever Young Formula. What is the Forever Young Formula, you ask? The Forever Young Formula is the series of actions you’ll need to take if you want to stay “forever young” on Udemy—that is, earning consistent, sustainable income now and in the future. Learn how to add students, grow traffic to your courses and converting that traffic to your new students.

Udemy Marketing: Increase Your Course Success

Enroll in this “Free” Udemy Marketing starter course with over 100 positive reviews. This course will show you several different sites to post your course coupons to along with other course marketing ideas. Want to learn even more ways to promote and market your Udemy Course?

Take the full course “Udemy Marketing: Where to Promote Course Coupons” for just $19 dollars.

How to: Get Record Course Sales Your First 30 Days on Udemy

Screen-Shot-2014-07-15-at-10.50.09-AM1-620x299Here’s a great article for those of you who come to Udemy already with your own online communities. The article talks about ways to utilize what you already have such as a mailing list using tools like ConvertKit and MailChimp’s Forever Free Plan, a YouTube channel, blogging, Facebook groups or pages along with several other social media networks you might already be part of.


Bonus Resources: Ask Dennis, Blab Show and Udemy Marketing Minute Podcast

Check out the Udemy Marketing Minute Podcast with quick nuggets of Udemy Course Marketing tips and advice under 5 minutes. I haven’t recorded anything new lately but there is still lots of great information to get you started. You can also check out the “Make Money Online” show that I co-hosted with Udemy instructor Matt Bernstein on Blab. Watch the replays along with other Blab shows I have hosted and learn from the experts I have chatted with. Have a question about Udemy Marketing? Ask me and I might feature your question and promote you in front of my Facebook Group audience and on my YouTube Channel.

Watch Blab Replays

Listen To Udemy Marketing Minute Podcast Replays

Ask Dennis!

Learn With Dennis

Would you like a free 15 minute Skype call with a successful Udemy instructor? I teach 9 courses on Udemy including one of the top-rated Udemy marketing courses. I can help you find your direction with your own online course or help you with marketing ideas geared to help you generate more revenue.


Udemy Instructor – Warren Leslie Chalklen, PhD

Dennis Smith is very passionate about Udemy. Since my Skype coaching session with him, I have realized how much he has dedicated his life to helping other Udemy instructors succeed. Through his websites, coaching sessions, and Blab hangouts, you will definitely learn a lot from Dennis. I highly recommend that you connect with him.


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