Author: Dennis J. Smith

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Facebook Fan Page Workshop : Nampa, ID

21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop Looking for ways to get more “Like” on your Facebook Fan Page? Join Social Media Author Dennis J. Smith, GreenHostUSA and Fan Page Bling for the “21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop” in Nampa, ID…
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Official: Games in Google+: fun that fits your schedule

Google+ is rolling out several games today including the popular Angry Birds. Unlike Facebook, Google promises you will have control over when you see games, how you play them and sharing that experience with others. If you are interested in games you don’t have to worry about your stream being flooded with game request.   Read…
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Google Releases Version 1.0.5 Google+ Android App Update

Android users now can now update to the latest version of the Google+ app from their Android phone or the Android Market. Google+ Android app (v.1.0.5) brings several improvements to the mobile version. Check out the video below from Google’s Mobile Project Manager +Punit Soni.         v1.0.5 August 2, 2011 Improved notifications…
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How-To Stop Those Bouncing Website Visitors

How do you track visits to your website or blog? If you are are using Google Analytics you might be familiar with the term Bounce Rate. But what is Bounce Rate? The Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit a single-page and then bounce from your site. If you have 1000 visitors on…
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Vintage WordPress Theme

WordPress Themes – The Ultimate List

The beauty of WordPress is the availability of hundreds if not thousands of themes to get that look and feel regardless of the industry you are in. You can find beautiful and functional themes that are both free (use caution when looking for free themes+) and for a nominal cost. Here are some links to many great WordPress themes in…
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How to Get 5 Million People to Read Your Website by Matthew Inman

I wanted to share a YouTube video that I came across today. Not only is it funny but it has a point to it. Matthew shares some creative ways he used to drive traffic to his websites. This video is from the Ignite Seattle event. Do you use creative means to drive traffic to your…
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More Offline Marketing Ideas–Vinyl Banners

Besides marketing my book online using social media I also find ways to market offline. Business cards, postcards and bookmarks have been a few of my offline marketing tools. Starting this fall I’ll be attending book signing events here in Southern Idaho. Right now I’m working with the editor for the 2nd Edition of Promote…
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Jigoshop Is The Free WordPress E-Commerce Solution

Looking for a simple solution to sell product online? Look no further than Jigoshop!  You need to have WordPress installed for Jigoshop to work.  This free e-commerce plugin for WordPress takes less than 15 minutes to setup. You can download the plugin from the developers site or search for “Jigoshop” from your WordPress Dashboard Plugin…
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Google Gets More Social With Google+

Google is getting more serious in the social media arena this week. They announced the Google+ Project yesterday and it looks quite interesting. I’m not sure this is going to be a Facebook killer but it is worth a look. I think what strikes me the most is a new approach to social media. The…
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Facebook Tip: Why should I convert my profile to a Fan Page?

Facebook profiles are meant for individual people, they aren’t suited to meet your business needs. Pages offer more robust features for organizations, businesses, brands, and public  figures, which you can learn more about here. Further, maintaining a profile for anything other than an individual person is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use. If you…
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